working bin

working bin
расходный бункер

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "working bin" в других словарях:

  • Bin Laden family — Bin Laden Bin Ladin Current region Arabian Peninsula Information Place of origin Yemen Notable members Osama bin Laden see Family members …   Wikipedia

  • Working Poor — (arbeitende Arme) bzw. Erwerbsarmut bezeichnet das Phänomen von Menschen, die trotz Erwerbstätigkeit nicht vor Armut abgesichert sind. In politischen oder bevölkerungsstatistischen Zusammenhängen wird der Begriff auch als Sammelbezeichnung für… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bin Laden Issue Station — The Bin Laden Issue Station (1996 2005) was a unit of the Central Intelligence Agency dedicated to tracking Osama bin Laden.Soon after its creation the Station developed a new, deadlier vision of bin Laden s activities. In 1999 the CIA… …   Wikipedia

  • Working Time Directive — The Working Time Directive of the European Union (Council Directive 93/104/EC of 23 November 1993 concerning certain aspects of the organization of working time, Official Journal L 307, 13/12/1993 pages 0018 ndash;0024; amended by Directive… …   Wikipedia

  • Decent Working Conditions and Fair Competition Act — The Decent Working Conditions and Fair Competition Act is the title of several bills that have been introduced in the United States Congress to try to prohibit the import, export, and sale of goods made with sweatshop labor . As of February 2009 …   Wikipedia

  • Death of Osama bin Laden — Death of Osama bin Laden …   Wikipedia

  • Osama bin Laden — Osama and bin Laden redirect here. For other uses, see Osama (disambiguation) and bin Laden (disambiguation). Osama bin Laden أسامة بن لادن …   Wikipedia

  • Militant activity of Osama bin Laden — Osama bin Laden, a militant Islamist and reported founder al Qaeda,[1] in conjunction with several other Islamic militant leaders, issued two fatawa in 1996 and then again in 1998 that Muslims should kill civilians and military personnel from the …   Wikipedia

  • Childhood, education and personal life of Osama bin Laden — Osama bin Laden, a militant Islamist and reported founder al Qaeda, [Michael Scheuer, Through Our Enemies Eyes , p. 110] in conjunction with several other Islamic militant leaders, issued two fatwas in 1996 and then again in 1998 that Muslims… …   Wikipedia

  • Omar Osama bin Laden — Omar bin Osama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Laden ( ar. عمر بن أسامة بن محمد بن عوض بن لادن; born 1981) better known as Omar Osama bin Laden (also Omar Ossama bin Laden, Omar bin Laden, and Omar Awad bin Laden; rarely Omar Usama bin Laden , Omar… …   Wikipedia

  • Osama bin Laden death conspiracy theories — The death of Osama bin Laden gave rise to various conspiracy theories, hoaxes, and rumors.[1] These include the ideas that bin Laden had been dead for years, or is still alive. Doubts about bin Laden s death were fueled by the U.S. military s… …   Wikipedia

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