wooden hurdle

wooden hurdle
деревянная хордовая насадка

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "wooden hurdle" в других словарях:

  • hurdle — hurdler, n. /herr dl/, n., v., hurdled, hurdling. n. 1. a portable barrier over which contestants must leap in certain running races, usually a wooden frame with a hinged inner frame that swings down under impact to prevent injury to a runner who …   Universalium

  • hurdle — n. & v. n. 1 Athletics a each of a series of light frames to be cleared by athletes in a race. b (in pl.) a hurdle race. 2 an obstacle or difficulty. 3 a portable rectangular frame strengthened with withes or wooden bars, used as a temporary… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hurdle — noun 1》 one of a series of upright frames which athletes in a race must jump over.     ↘(hurdles) a hurdle race. 2》 an obstacle or difficulty. 3》 a portable rectangular frame strengthened with withies or wooden bars, used as a temporary fence.… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Hurdle — ♦ A portable rectangular wooden frame, strengthened with wattles, and used at Wharram to strengthen the mill dam. (Beresford, Maurice and Hurst, John. Wharram Percy: Deserted Medieval Village, 137) …   Medieval glossary

  • timber — timberless, adj. timbery, adj. /tim beuhr/, n. 1. the wood of growing trees suitable for structural uses. 2. growing trees themselves. 3. wooded land. 4. wood, esp. when suitable or adapted for various building purposes. 5. a single piece of wood …   Universalium

  • Hanged, drawn and quartered — The execution of Hugh Despenser the Younger, as depicted in the Froissart of Louis of Gruuthuse To be hanged, drawn and quartered was from 1351 a penalty in England for men convicted of high treason, although the ritual was first recorded during… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Chinese inventions — A bronze Chinese crossbow mechanism with a buttplate (the wooden components have …   Wikipedia

  • Tree bog — A Treebog is a form of compost toilet which has willows, nettles and other nutrient hungry plants planted around it. The faeces are held in a chamber open to the air which allows it to decompose rapidly, feeding the trees around it. Unlike a… …   Wikipedia

  • 110 metre hurdles — The 110 metre hurdles are an Olympic track and field athletics discipline run by men. For the race ten hurdles of 1.067 metres (3.5 ft) in height are placed evenly spaced along a straight course of 110 meters. They are positioned so that they… …   Wikipedia

  • Snowshoe — Snowshoes, sometimes colloquially referred to as webs, are footwear for walking over snow. Snowshoes work by distributing the weight of the person over a larger area so that the person s foot doesn t sink completely into the snow, a quality… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Happy Tree Friends Smoochies and Kringles — This is a list of Happy Tree Friends Smoochies and Kringles.moochiesA smoochie is a video including one character where you give him/her something. You can choose any of three options, but all of them result in the character dying. New Smoochies… …   Wikipedia

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