- bound water
связанная вода
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
bound water — noun Etymology: bound (IV) : water that is an essential component of various materials (as animal and plant cells or soils) from which it cannot be removed without changing their structure or composition and distinguishable from free water in… … Useful english dictionary
bound water — surištasis vanduo statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. bound water; combined water vok. gebundenes Wasser, n rus. связанная вода, f pranc. eau liée, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
bound water — water in the tissues of the body bound to macromolecules or organelles … Medical dictionary
bound water — Cellular water not released into the intercellular space upon freezing and thawing. Opposite: free water … Glossary of Biotechnology
Water content — Soil composition by phase: s soil (dry), v void (pores filled with water or air), w water, a air. V is volume, M is mass. Water content or moisture content is the quantity of water contained in a material, such as soil (called soil moisture),… … Wikipedia
bound — 1. Limited, circumscribed; enclosed. 2. Denoting a substance, such as iodine, phosphorus, calcium, morphine, or another drug, that is not in readily diffusible form but exists in combination with a high–molecular weight … Medical dictionary
water of constitution — Chemically bound water [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Water activity — or aw is a measurement of the energy status of the water in a system. It is defined as the vapor pressure of water above a sample divided by that of pure water at the same temperature; therefore, pure distilled water has a water activity of… … Wikipedia
Water retention curve — is the relationship between the water content, θ, and the soil water potential, ψ. This curve is characteristic for different types of soil, and is also called the soil moisture characteristic.It is used to predict the soil water storage, water… … Wikipedia
Water-bound — Wa ter bound , a. Prevented by a flood from proceeding. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Water cure — is a form of water torture in which the victim is forced to drink large quantities of water in a short time, resulting in gastric distension, water intoxication, and possibly death.cite book|title=Oxford English Dictionary|quote=In the… … Wikipedia