Смотреть что такое "wishbone" в других словарях:
Wishbone — Título Wishbone Género Serie de televisión / Infantil Creado por Rick Duffield Reparto Soccer Larry Brantley (Voz) como Wishbone País de origen … Wikipedia Español
Wishbone — may refer to: * The wishbone, known in anatomy as the furcula, is a fused clavicle bone found in birds which is shaped like the letter Y. * The same clavicle bone as a lucky charm. * Wishbone (TV series), an educational children s television show … Wikipedia
wishbone — [ wiʃbon ] n. m. • 1858; mot angl. ♦ Anglic. Espar formé d un arceau très allongé qui entoure la voile dans certains gréements. Le wishbone d une planche à voile. ● wishbone nom masculin (anglais wishbone) Bôme formée de deux arcs, attachés à… … Encyclopédie Universelle
wishbone — 1860, from WISH (Cf. wish) + BONE (Cf. bone) (n.); so called from the custom of making a wish while pulling the bone in two with another person. The wishbone breaking custom dates to the early 17c., when the bone was a merrythought … Etymology dictionary
wishbone — [wish′bōn΄] n. 1. the forked clavicle in front of the breastbone of most birds; furcula: so called from the custom whereby two persons make wishes and snap a dried wishbone in two, the longer fragment being regarded as a sign that the holder s… … English World dictionary
Wishbone — Wish bone , n. The forked bone in front of the breastbone in birds; called also {merrythought}, and {wishing bone}. See {Merrythought}, and {Furculum}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wishbone — ► NOUN ▪ a forked bone between the neck and breast of a bird, especially one from a cooked bird which, when broken by two people, entitles the holder of the longer portion to make a wish … English terms dictionary
Wishbone — Шина Wishbone параллельная компьютерная шина для объединения модулей в системе на кристалле. Шина описана в открытой спецификации, и широко используется в проектах цифровых систем с открытым исходным кодом на сайте OpenCores.org.[1] Изначально… … Википедия
Wishbone — Un wishbone. Le wishbone est un espar particulier qui permet de tendre une voile à la manière d une bôme. Il relie le mât à un point intermédiaire de sa hauteur au point d écoute de la voile. Étymologie Sa conception en double cintre, de part et… … Wikipédia en Français
wishbone — UK [ˈwɪʃˌbəʊn] / US [ˈwɪʃˌboʊn] noun [countable] Word forms wishbone : singular wishbone plural wishbones a bone shaped like a Y in a cooked bird. Traditionally, two people pull the bone and the person who gets the larger piece can make a wish … English dictionary
wishbone — Merrythought Mer ry*thought , n. The forked bone of a fowl s breast; called also {wishbone}. See {Furculum}. [1913 Webster] Note: It is a sportive custom for two persons to break this bone by pulling the ends apart to see who will get the longer… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English