- wire model
каркасная модель
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Wire Model — [engl.], Drahtmodell … Universal-Lexikon
Wire art — is a typical South African form of art and craft, encompassing the sculpting and crafting of works of art using wire, beads, tin cans and other recycled goods. Origins This craft is uniquely South African and it comes likely from the North East… … Wikipedia
Model 39 grenade — The Model 39 Eihandgranate (or Eierhandgranate, egg hand grenade ) was a German hand grenade introduced in 1939 and produced until the end of World War II. The Eihandgranate used the same fuse assembly (the BZE 39) as the Model 43… … Wikipedia
Wire-frame model — A wire frame model is a visual presentation of an electronic representation of a three dimensional or physical object used in 3D computer graphics. It is created by specifying each edge of the physical object where two mathematically continuous… … Wikipedia
Wire recording — A Peirce 55 B dictation wire recorder from 1945 … Wikipedia
Model 1840 Light Artillery Saber — The Model 1840 Light Artillery Saber was a saber of about 38 inches in length with a curved, single edged blade and iron scabbard. Contents 1 History 2 Distinguishing features 3 See also … Wikipedia
Model M keyboard — IBM Model M Keyboard, Part no. 1391401, Manufactured 1989 Unicomp Customizer 104 (UNI0P46) keyboard … Wikipedia
Model military vehicle — Main article: Military model 1/35 scale T 34 tank model with a landscaped base … Wikipedia
Model horse — Breyer model horses Model horses or toy horses are scale replicas of real horses and are highly collectible. The hobby originated more or less simultaneously but independently in North America and the UK, followed later by Sweden (UK influenced) … Wikipedia
Model engine — For the band (previously known as Black Eyed Sceva), see Model Engine. An old Cox Babe Bee 0.049 cubic inch (0.8 cubic cm.) reed valve engine disassembled. The weight is two and a quarter ounces with the propeller and large fuel tank, but without … Wikipedia
Model maker — A model maker is a professional craftsperson who creates a 3 dimensional representation of a design or concept. Most products in use and in development today first take form as a model. This model may be an exacting duplicate (prototype) of the… … Wikipedia