- wire gauze net
тканая проволочная сетка
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
wire netting — wire′ net′ting n. bui netting made of interwoven wire, coarser than wire gauze • Etymology: 1850–55 … From formal English to slang
wire netting — noun : a texture of woven wire coarser than wire gauze * * * netting made of interwoven wire, coarser than wire gauze. [1850 55] * * * wire netting noun A texture of galvanized wire woven in the form of a net • • • Main Entry: ↑wire * * * wire… … Useful english dictionary
Survival kit — First aid pack of the French Army … Wikipedia
meshing — noun 1. an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals • Syn: ↑net, ↑network, ↑mesh, ↑meshwork • Derivationally related forms: ↑mesh (for: ↑mesh), ↑ … Useful english dictionary
meshwork — noun an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals • Syn: ↑net, ↑network, ↑mesh, ↑meshing • Derivationally related forms: ↑mesh (for: ↑mesh), ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Safety lamp — A safety lamp is any of several types of lamp, which are designed to be safe to use in coal mines. These lamps are designed to operate in air that may contain coal dust, methane, or firedamp, all of which are potentially flammable or explosive… … Wikipedia
Erlenmeyer flask — For the episode of The X Files, see The Erlenmeyer Flask. Erlenmeyer flask … Wikipedia
Spark arrestor — A spark arrestor is a device intended to prevent combustible materials, usually sparks or other tiny flaming debris, from escaping into areas where they might start fires.They are most commonly used in conjunction with motor vehicles (inserted… … Wikipedia
textile — /teks tuyl, til/, n. 1. any cloth or goods produced by weaving, knitting, or felting. 2. a material, as a fiber or yarn, used in or suitable for weaving: Glass can be used as a textile. adj. 3. woven or capable of being woven: textile fabrics. 4 … Universalium
Glossary of textile manufacturing — For terms specifically related to sewing, see Glossary of sewing terms. For terms specifically related to dyeing, see Glossary of dyeing terms. The manufacture of textiles is one of the oldest of human technologies. To make textiles, the first… … Wikipedia
Textile manufacturing terminology — The manufacture of textiles is one of the oldest of human technologies. In order to make textiles, the first requirement is a source of fibre from which a yarn can be made, primarily by spinning. (Both fibre and fiber are used in this article.)… … Wikipedia