wind(-induced) wave

wind(-induced) wave
1) ветровая волна
2) ветровое волнение

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "wind(-induced) wave" в других словарях:

  • Wave Hub — Wave Hub …   Wikipedia

  • Wave hub — The Wave hub project is a wave power research project. The project will be developed approximately 10 miles off Hayle, the north coast of Cornwall, UK. The hub is a socket sitting on the seabed for wave energy converters (WEC) to be plugged into; …   Wikipedia

  • Lee wave — The wind flows towards a mountain and produces a first oscillation (A) followed by more waves. the following waves will have lower amplitude because of the natural damping. Lenticular clouds stuck on top of the flow (A) and (B) will appear… …   Wikipedia

  • Ocean surface wave — Ocean surface waves are surface waves that occur on the free surface of the ocean. They usually result from wind, and are also referred to as wind waves. Some waves can travel thousands of miles before reaching land. They range in size from small …   Wikipedia

  • Airy wave theory — In fluid dynamics, Airy wave theory (often referred to as linear wave theory) gives a linearised description of the propagation of gravity waves on the surface of a homogeneous fluid layer. The theory assumes that the fluid layer has a uniform… …   Wikipedia

  • Mountain Wave Project — Logo Mountain Wave Project The Mountain Wave Project (MWP) pursues global scientific research of gravity waves and associated turbulence. MWP seeks to develop new scientific insights and knowledge through high altitude and record seeking glider… …   Wikipedia

  • Shock wave — Bombshock redirects here. For the Transformers character, see Micromasters#Bombshock. For other uses, see shockwave. Schlieren photograph of an attached shock on a sharp nosed supersonic body. A shock wave (also called shock front or simply shock …   Wikipedia

  • Mountain Wave Project — Logo Mountain Wave Project Das Mountain Wave Project (MWP) dient der globalen wissenschaftlichen Erforschung atmosphärischer Schwerewellen und der induzierten Turbulenz. Neue Erkenntnisse werden für Rekord und Höhensegelflüge genutzt sowie im… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lift-induced drag — In aerodynamics, lift induced drag, induced drag, vortex drag, or sometimes drag due to lift, is a drag force that occurs whenever a moving object redirects the airflow coming at it. This drag force occurs in airplanes due to wings or a lifting… …   Wikipedia

  • Delta wave — For other uses, see Wolff Parkinson White syndrome. Delta waves, an EEG (electroencephalograph) one second sample A delta wave is a high amplitude brain wave with a frequency of oscillation between 0–4 hertz. Delta waves, like other brain waves,… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravitational wave — In physics, a gravitational wave is a fluctuation in the curvature of spacetime which propagates as a wave, traveling outward from a moving object or system of objects. Gravitational radiation is the energy transported by these waves. Important… …   Wikipedia

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