- whispering gallery
радио "шепчущая галерея" (вогнутая поверхность, вдоль которой волна распространяется по рикошетируемой траектории)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Whispering gallery — Gallery Gal ler*y, n.; pl. {Galleries}. [F. galerie, It. galleria, fr. LL. galeria gallery, perh. orig., a festal hall, banquetting hall; cf. OF. galerie a rejoicing, fr. galer to rejoice. Cf. {Gallant}, a.] 1. A long and narrow corridor, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Whispering gallery — Whispering Whis per*ing, a. & n. from {Whisper}. v. t. [1913 Webster] {Whispering gallery}, or {Whispering dome}, one of such a form that sounds produced in certain parts of it are concentrated by reflection from the walls to another part, so… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Whispering gallery — A whispering gallery is a gallery beneath a dome or vault or enclosed in a circular or elliptical area in which whispers can be heard clearly in other parts of the building. A whispering gallery is usually constructed in the form of an ellipsoid … Wikipedia
whispering gallery — šnabždesių galerija statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. whispering gallery vok. Flüstergewölbe, n rus. шепчущая галерея, f pranc. galerie chuchotante, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
whispering gallery — noun a space beneath a dome or arch in which sounds produced at certain points are clearly audible at certain distant points • Syn: ↑whispering dome • Hypernyms: ↑dome … Useful english dictionary
whispering gallery — a space or gallery beneath a dome or broad arch in which low sounds produced at any of certain points are clearly audible at certain other distant points. [1690 1700] * * * … Universalium
whispering gallery — noun a gallery or dome with acoustic properties such that a faint sound may be heard round its entire circumference … English new terms dictionary
whispering gallery — /ˈwɪspərɪŋ gæləri/ (say wispuhring galuhree) noun a gallery or dome in which sounds, however soft, are reflected and can be heard at a considerable distance …
(the) Whispering Gallery — the Whispering Gallery [the Whispering Gallery] the famous ↑gallery (= a raised platform along the inner wall of a building) that goes all the way round the inside of the ↑dome of ↑St Paul s Cathedral in London … Useful english dictionary
Gallery — Gal ler*y, n.; pl. {Galleries}. [F. galerie, It. galleria, fr. LL. galeria gallery, perh. orig., a festal hall, banquetting hall; cf. OF. galerie a rejoicing, fr. galer to rejoice. Cf. {Gallant}, a.] 1. A long and narrow corridor, or place for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Whispering — is an unvoiced mode of phonation in which the vocal cords do not vibrate normally, but are instead adducted sufficiently to create audible turbulence (a hissing quality) as the speaker exhales (or occasionally inhales) during speech. [ Principles … Wikipedia