bottom water sprays

bottom water sprays
нижние водяные сопла (под прокатываемой полосой)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "bottom water sprays" в других словарях:

  • List of H2O: Just Add Water episodes — The following is an episode list for the Australian television show H2O: Just Add Water, which airs on Network Ten, Disney Channel Australia, Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon UK and other television networks worldwide. Series one premiered in Australia… …   Wikipedia

  • Durable water repellent — Fluorine containing durable water repellent makes a fabric water resistant. DWR (durable water repellent) is a coating added to fabrics at the factory to make them water resistant (or hydrophobic). Most factory applied treatments are… …   Wikipedia

  • tunnels and underground excavations — ▪ engineering Introduction        Great tunnels of the world Great tunnels of the worldhorizontal underground passageway produced by excavation or occasionally by nature s action in dissolving a soluble rock, such as limestone. A vertical opening …   Universalium

  • Casting (metalworking) — Casting iron in a sand mold In metalworking, casting involves pouring liquid metal into a mold, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowing it to cool and solidify. The solidified part is also known as a casting, which… …   Wikipedia

  • Smoking (cooking) — Pork ribs being smoked Smoked beef sandwich …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear meltdown — Three of the reactors at Fukushima I overheated, causing core meltdowns. This was compounded by hydrogen gas explosions and the venting of contaminated steam which released large amounts of radioactive material into the air.[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Venturi scrubber — A venturi scrubber is designed to effectively use the energy from the inlet gas stream to atomize the liquid being used to scrub the gas stream. This type of technology is a part of the group of air pollution controls collectively referred to as… …   Wikipedia

  • Clarification and stabilization of wine — The winemaking process naturally produces sediments that can precipitate out of the wine. The clarification and stabilization of wine in winemaking involves removing insoluble and suspended materials. The insoluble material causes a wine to be… …   Wikipedia

  • canning — /kan ing/, n. the act, process, or business of preserving cooked food by sealing in cans or jars. [1870 75, Amer.; CAN2 + ING1] * * * Method of preserving food from spoilage by storing it in containers that are hermetically sealed and then… …   Universalium

  • Canning — /kan ing/, n. 1. Charles John, 1st Earl, 1812 62, British statesman: governor general of India 1856 62. 2. his father, George, 1770 1827, British statesman: prime minister 1827. 3. Sir Stratford. See Stratford de Redcliffe, 1st Viscount. * * *… …   Universalium

  • food preservation — Any method by which food is protected against spoilage by oxidation, bacteria, molds, and microorganisms. Traditional methods include dehydration, smoking, salting, controlled fermentation (including pickling), and candying; certain spices have… …   Universalium

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