- bottom soil
1) грунт основания (сооружения)2) подпочва
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Soil horizon — Soil samples illustrating horizons (subsoil on right) A soil horizon is a specific layer in the land area that is parallel to the soil surface and possesses physical characteristics which differ from the layers above and beneath … Wikipedia
Soil — Soil, n. [OE. soile, F. sol, fr. L. solum bottom, soil; but the word has probably been influenced in form by soil a miry place. Cf. {Saloon}, {Soil} a miry place, {Sole} of the foot.] 1. The upper stratum of the earth; the mold, or that compound… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Soil pipe — Soil Soil, n. [OE. soile, F. sol, fr. L. solum bottom, soil; but the word has probably been influenced in form by soil a miry place. Cf. {Saloon}, {Soil} a miry place, {Sole} of the foot.] 1. The upper stratum of the earth; the mold, or that… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Soil kite — A kite has two parts wing and tether. The tether is tensed; the wing converts the tension to lift and drag by interacting with a stream of material; the kite flies or deflects away from the relative direction of the ambient stream s material.… … Wikipedia
bottom — [bät′əm] n. [ME botme < OE botm, bodan, ground, soil < IE * bhudh men < base * bhudh > L fundus, ground, Gr pythmen, bottom, Ger boden] 1. the lowest part 2. a) the lowest or last place or position [the bottom of the class] b)… … English World dictionary
Soil food web — The soil food web is the community of organisms living all or part of their lives in the soil. It describes a complex living system in the soil and how it interacts with the environment, plants, and animals. Introduction Food webs describe the… … Wikipedia
bottom — {{11}}bottom (n.) O.E. botm, bodan ground, soil, foundation, lowest part, from P.Gmc. *buthm (Cf. O.Fris. boden soil, O.N. botn, Du. bodem, O.H.G. bodam, Ger. Boden ground, earth, soil ), from PIE root *bhu(n)d(h) (Cf. Skt. budhnah, Avestan buna … Etymology dictionary
soil — gruntas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Viršutinėje Žemės plutos dalyje esančios nuogulos, sudarančios pagrindą, aplinką arba medžiagą, į kurią remiasi arba kurioje įrengiami inžineriniai įrenginiai. Susidaro iš atskirų… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
bottom — gruntas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Viršutinėje Žemės plutos dalyje esančios nuogulos, sudarančios pagrindą, aplinką arba medžiagą, į kurią remiasi arba kurioje įrengiami inžineriniai įrenginiai. Susidaro iš atskirų… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
bottom-rooted — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective : having roots in the soil of a pool or pond bottom rooted water lilies … Useful english dictionary
soil profile — /ˈsɔɪl proʊfaɪl/ (say soyl prohfuyl) noun a cross section of the earth in a particular location revealing the layers from the top layer containing the most organic matter to the bottom layer containing unweathered rocks …