Weight cutting — is the practice of rapid weight loss prior to a sporting competition. It most frequently happens in order to qualify for a lower weight class (usually in combat sports, where weight is a significant advantage) or in sports where it is… … Wikipedia
Strength athletics — Strength athletics, more generally known as strongman competitions, is a sport which tests competitors strength in a variety of different ways. Some of the disciplines are similar to those in powerlifting and some powerlifters have also… … Wikipedia
weight of evidence — n. The preponderance of the evidence; the side of the case that has more evidence supporting it. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. weight of evidence … Law dictionary
strength — [ streŋθ ] noun *** ▸ 1 physical power/energy ▸ 2 ability to achieve something ▸ 3 power of particular type ▸ 4 something someone does very well ▸ 5 amount of influence ▸ 6 size of group needed ▸ 7 amount of something in something ▸ 8 ability to… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Weight loss — Classification and external resources ICD 9 783.21 For the episode of the American version of The Office, see Weight Loss (The Office). Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health or phys … Wikipedia
Weight gain — is an increase in body weight. This can be either an increase in muscle mass, fat deposits, or excess fluids such as water. DescriptionIn some cases, weight gain can also occur as a result of developing tumors or other abnormal growths. Muscle… … Wikipedia
strength — [n1] stamina, mental or physical backbone, body, brawn, brawniness, brute force*, clout, courage, durability, energy, firmness, force, fortitude, hardiness, health, healthiness, lustiness, might, muscle, nerve, physique, pith, potency, pow*,… … New thesaurus
Strength and conditioning — is the physical development of athletic capabilities. Practiced by strength and conditioning coaches, a variety of methods are used to enhance the quality and quantity of a person s movement capabilities, usually to improve sports performance.… … Wikipedia
weight of numbers — weight of ˈnumbers idiom the combined power, strength or influence of a group • They won the argument by sheer weight of numbers. Main entry: ↑weightidiom … Useful english dictionary
Strength training — This article is about the basic principles to train muscular strength. For strength training using free weights or weight machines, see weight training. The lat. pulldown, which strengthens the arms and back Strength training is the use of… … Wikipedia
Weight training — This article is about strength training using weight (gravity) to generate resistance to contraction. For basic principles on increasing the strength of muscles, see strength training. A complete weight training workout can be performed with a… … Wikipedia