
2) одежда
wear and tear — 1. износ 2. амортизация;
wear by roll formation — изнашивание скатыванием;
wear on the bottom — износ подины;
to wear away — 1. изнашивать(ся) 2. срабатываться;
to wear in — прирабатывать трением;
to wear out — изнашиваться
hour-glass shaped wear
ablative wear
abrasive wear
adhesive wear
allowable wear
anisotropic wear
atomic wear
attrition wear
baggy wear
bell-shaped wear
bit wear
camber wear
casual wear
cavitation wear
cavitational-abrasive wear
chemical wear
cornering wear
corrosive wear
crater wear
cutting wear
deformation wear
delamination wear
double breasted wear
dresser diamond wear
dusting wear
dynamic wear
electroerosive wear
erosive wear
excessive wear
extremely fine wear
extremely gross wear
face wear
fatigue wear
flank wear
fore-and-aft tire wear
formal wear
fretting wear
frictional wear
fusion wear
gouging wear
gradual wear
horseshoe shaped wear
impact wear
internal wear
laminar wear
last-a-season wear
leisure wear
limiting wear
linear wear
local wear
mass wear
mechanical wear
mechanochemical wear
metallic wear
mild wear
misalignment-type wear
moderate wear
negative wear
nonzero wear
normal wear
one-body wear
oxidative wear
percussive impact wear
permissible wear
polish wear
positive wear
progressive wear
resort wear
rolling wear
running-in wear
scalloping wear
seizure wear
severe wear
single breasted wear
single-traversal wear
sliding wear
slotted wear
specific linear wear
specific mass wear
specific volumetric wear
specific volume wear
spring coils wear
steady-state wear
surface wear
thermal wear
tire cross wear
total wear
two-body wear
vibrational wear
volumetric wear
volume wear
zero wear

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "wear" в других словарях:

  • Wear — Wear, v. t. [imp. {Wore} (w[=o]r); p. p. {Worn} (w[=o]rn); p. pr. & vb. n. {Wearing}. Before the 15th century wear was a weak verb, the imp. & p. p. being {Weared}.] [OE. weren, werien, AS. werian to carry, to wear, as arms or clothes; akin to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wear — wear1 [wer] vt. wore, worn, wearing [ME weren < OE werian, akin to ON verja, Goth wasjan, to clothe < IE base * wes , to clothe > Sans vastra , L vestis, clothing, vestire, to clothe] 1. a) to have on the body or carry on the person… …   English World dictionary

  • wear — [weə ǁ wer] noun ( fair) wear and tear INSURANCE the amount of damage that can be expected to affect a product or property in normal use. Wear and tear is often taken into consideration by an insurance company when paying an insurance claim: •… …   Financial and business terms

  • Wear — Wear, v. i. 1. To endure or suffer use; to last under employment; to bear the consequences of use, as waste, consumption, or attrition; as, a coat wears well or ill; hence, sometimes applied to character, qualifications, etc.; as, a man wears… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wear — [n] use, corrosion abrasion, attrition, damage, depreciation, deterioration, dilapidation, diminution, disappearance, employment, erosion, friction, impairment, inroads, loss, mileage, service, usefulness, utility, waste, wear and tear; concepts… …   New thesaurus

  • wear — ► VERB (past wore; past part. worn) 1) have on one s body as clothing, decoration, or protection. 2) exhibit or present (a particular facial expression or appearance). 3) damage or destroy or suffer damage or destruction by friction or use. 4)… …   English terms dictionary

  • Wear — Wear, n. 1. The act of wearing, or the state of being worn; consumption by use; diminution by friction; as, the wear of a garment. [1913 Webster] 2. The thing worn; style of dress; the fashion. [1913 Webster] Motley s the only wear. Shak. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wear in — ˌwear ˈin [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they wear in he/she/it wears in present participle wearing in past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • Wear — 〈[wɛ:(r)] f. 10; unz.; meist in Zus.〉 Kleidung (HomeWear, SportsWear, StreetWear) [engl.] …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Wear — 〈[wɛ:(r)] f.; Gen.: ; Pl.: unz.; meist in Zus.〉 Kleidung; HomeWear; SportsWear; StreetWear [Etym.: engl.] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • WEAR IT'S 'AT — est le premier album des Rubettes, paru en décembre 1974. Liste des titres Way Back In The Fifties Rock Is Dead Tonight The Way Of Love Rumours Your Love Forever Sugar Baby Love Teenage Dream Rock And Roll Survival When You re Sixteen… …   Wikipédia en Français

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