
1) волновод
2) световод, светопровод
acoustic waveguide
aperture waveguide
beam waveguide
below-cutoff waveguide
bend waveguide
buried waveguide
circular waveguide
closed waveguide
coated waveguide
coaxial waveguide
conical waveguide
conic waveguide
coplanar waveguide
corrugated waveguide
cutoff waveguide
cylindrical waveguide
dielectric waveguide
dielectric-filled waveguide
dielectric-loaded waveguide
diffused waveguide
dissipative waveguide
dumb-bell waveguide
electromagnetic waveguide
elliptical waveguide
elliptic waveguide
empty waveguide
evanescent-mode waveguide
evanescent waveguide
ferrite waveguide
ferrite-loaded waveguide
fiber-optic waveguide
fiber waveguide
filled waveguide
film waveguide
flanged waveguide
flat waveguide
flexible waveguide
gaseous waveguide
graded-index waveguide
gyrotropic waveguide
gyro waveguide
helical waveguide
hollow waveguide
ideal waveguide
leaky waveguide
light waveguide
loaded waveguide
lossless waveguide
lossy waveguide
matched waveguide
multimode waveguide
open waveguide
open-ended waveguide
optical waveguide
overmoded waveguide
periodic waveguide
perturbed waveguide
piezoelectric waveguide
pipe-type waveguide
pipe waveguide
rectangular waveguide
rib waveguide
ridged waveguide
ridge waveguide
ring waveguide
rod waveguide
screened waveguide
seismic waveguide
septate waveguide
shielded waveguide
single-mode waveguide
slitted waveguide
slotted waveguide
spiral waveguide
step-index waveguide
strip-line waveguide
strip waveguide
surface waveguide
tapered waveguide
tubular waveguide
twistable waveguide
twisted waveguide
uniform waveguide
unloaded waveguide
vertebrate waveguide

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "waveguide" в других словарях:

  • waveguide — [wāv′gīd΄] n. an electric conductor consisting of a metal tubing, usually circular or rectangular in cross section, used for the conduction or directional transmission of microwaves …   English World dictionary

  • Waveguide — This page is about waveguides in the most general sense. For ordinary metal pipe waveguides, Waveguide (electromagnetism). For optical waveguides, see Waveguide (optics). A section of flexible waveguide with a pressurizable flange …   Wikipedia

  • waveguide — /wayv guyd /, Electronics, Optics. n. a conduit, as a metal tube, coaxial cable, or strand of glass fibers, used as a conductor or directional transmitter for various kinds of electromagnetic waves. Cf. optical fiber. [1930 35; WAVE + GUIDE] * *… …   Universalium

  • waveguide — 1. noun A structure which guides waves, such as electromagnetic waves, light, or sound waves. 2. verb To act as a waveguide for …   Wiktionary

  • waveguide — bangolaidis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. guide; waveguide vok. Hohlleiter, m; Wellenleiter, m rus. волновод, m pranc. conduit d ondes, m; guide d ondes, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • waveguide — bangolaidis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. waveguide vok. Hohlleiter, m; Wellenleiter, m rus. волновод, m pranc. guide d’ondes, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Waveguide (electromagnetism) — In electromagnetics and communications engineering, the term waveguide may refer to any linear structure that guides electromagnetic waves. However, the original and most common meaning is a hollow metal pipe used for this purpose.A dielectric… …   Wikipedia

  • Waveguide (optics) — This page is about waveguides for transmission of optical signals or power. For other types of waveguide, see the disambiguation page Waveguide An optical waveguide is a physical structure that guides electromagnetic waves in the optical spectrum …   Wikipedia

  • Waveguide rotary joint — A waveguide rotary joint is used in microwave communications to connect two different types of RF waveguides. Because coaxial parts are symmetrical in ø direction, free rotation without performance degradation is accomplished. In the rotating… …   Wikipedia

  • Waveguide (acoustics) — This page is about waveguides for acoustics and sound, for other types of waveguide, see Waveguide An acoustic waveguide is a physical structure for guiding sound waves. Examples One example might be a speaking tube used aboard ships for… …   Wikipedia

  • waveguide-coaxial junction — bendraašio kabelio ir bangolaidžio jungė statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. coaxial to waveguide transition; waveguide coaxial junction vok. Koaxial Hohlleiter Übergang, m; Wellenleiterkoaxialleitungsübergang, m rus. волноводно …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

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