wave parameter

wave parameter
фазовая постоянная

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "wave parameter" в других словарях:

  • Wave propagation — is any of the ways in which waves travel through a waveguide.With respect to the direction of the oscillation relative to the propagation direction, we can distinguish between longitudinal wave and transverse waves.For electromagnetic waves,… …   Wikipedia

  • Wave function collapse — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle …   Wikipedia

  • Wave function — Not to be confused with the related concept of the Wave equation Some trajectories of a harmonic oscillator (a ball attached to a spring) in classical mechanics (A B) and quantum mechanics (C H). In quantum mechanics (C H), the ball has a wave… …   Wikipedia

  • Wave radar — Ocean surface waves can be measured by several radar remote sensing techniques. Several instruments based on a variety of different concepts and techniques are available to the user and these are all often called wave radars. This article (see… …   Wikipedia

  • Cnoidal wave — US Army bombers flying over near periodic swell in shallow water, close to the Panama coast (1933). The sharp crests and very flat troughs are characteristic for cnoidal waves. In fluid dynamics, a cnoidal wave is a nonlinear and exact periodic… …   Wikipedia

  • RIFF WAVE — Vorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/MagischeZahl fehltVorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/Standard fehltVorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/Website fehlt Waveform Audio File Format (WAVE) Dateiendung: .wav MIME Type …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • P-wave — This article is on the type of seismic wave. For the term used in electrocardiography, see P wave (electrocardiography). P wave can also refer to a type of electronic wavefunction in atomic physics; see atomic orbital. Plane P wave …   Wikipedia

  • Rossby wave — Rossby (or planetary) waves are giant meanders in high altitude winds that are a major influence on weather. Their emergence is due to shear in rotating fluids, so that the Coriolis force changes along the sheared coordinate. In planetary… …   Wikipedia

  • Mountain Wave Project — Logo Mountain Wave Project Das Mountain Wave Project (MWP) dient der globalen wissenschaftlichen Erforschung atmosphärischer Schwerewellen und der induzierten Turbulenz. Neue Erkenntnisse werden für Rekord und Höhensegelflüge genutzt sowie im… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pp-wave spacetime — In general relativity, the pp wave spacetimes, or pp waves for short, are an important family of exact solutions of Einstein s field equation. These solutions model radiation moving at the speed of light. This radiation may consist of:*… …   Wikipedia

  • Coupling parameter — The coupling parameter of the resonator, specifies the part of the energy of the laser field, which is output at each round trip. The coupling parameter should not be confused with the round trip loss, which refers to the part of the energy of… …   Wikipedia

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