- water user
1) водопотребитель2) водопользователь (участник водохозяйственного комплекса)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Water user associations — A Water User Association (WUA) is very simply a group of water users, such as irrigators, who pool their financial, technical, material, and human resources for the operation and maintenance of a water system. A WUA usually elects leaders,… … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Canada — is nearly universal and generally of good quality. It is a municipal responsibility under the regulation of the provincial governments, in partnership with the federal government. Water use in Canada is high compared to Europe, since water… … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Saudi Arabia — differs from most other countries in three significant aspects. First, it relies almost exclusively on two sources that are absent in most other countries: desalination and fossil water. Second, given the substantial oil wealth of the country,… … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Yemen — is characterized by poor service quality and low levels of access, the latter being almost as low as in Sub Saharan Africa for sanitation. Yemen is both the poorest country and the most water scarce country in the Arab world. In addition, the… … Wikipedia
Water metering — is the process of measuring water use through water meters. Prevalence Water metering is common for residential and commercial drinking water supply in many countries, as well as for industrial self supply with water. However, it is less common… … Wikipedia
Water resources in Mexico — {| style= width: 25em; font size: 90%; text align: left; class= infobox !align= center bgcolor= lightblue colspan= 2 |Mexico: Water Resources #if:{ }|Water resources in many parts of Mexico are under stress, especially in the arid northwest and… … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in the Philippines — ervice qualityContinuity of supplyIn 2004, water supply was available on average for 18 hours each day in the West Zone of Metro Manila and 21 hours in the East Zone. According to their respective websites, the utility responsible for water… … Wikipedia
Water resources management in Mexico — Drinking water and sanitationIn 1998, domestic consumption accounted for 17% of surface water withdrawals in Mexico. During the past decade, the Mexican water supply and sanitation sector made major strides in service coverage. In urban areas… … Wikipedia
Water resources management in Uruguay — Source : WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme ( [http://www.wssinfo.org/en/welcome.html JMP] /2006). Data for [http://www.wssinfo.org/pdf/country/URY wat.pdf water] and [http://www.wssinfo.org/pdf/country/URY san.pdf sanitation] based on the WHO … Wikipedia
Water resources management in Peru — Source : INRENAtorage capacity and infrastructureIn 1980, INRENA established an inventory of Peru s water storage capacity, including lakes and dams. Peru has 12,201 lakes, 3,896 of which are located in the Pacific basin, 7,441 in the Atlantic… … Wikipedia
Water resources management in Bolivia — Source : National Program for Climate Change cite web url=http://www.pncc.gov.bo/esp/pdf/publicaciones/20 IVAR vulnerabilidad2.pdf title= El Cambio Climático en Bolivia (Análisis, Síntesis de Impactos y Adaptación) author= Ministerio de… … Wikipedia