
1) вода
2) объём воды; расход
3) минеральная вода
4) обводнять
5) увлажнять (грунт)
6) мочить; замачивать; смачивать
7) разбавлять водой
8) водоём
9) мн. ч. паводок; разлив
to go to water — обводняться (о скважине, месторождении, добыча нефти в которых в результате этого становится нерентабельной)
absorbed water
acid waste water
acid water
activated water
adhesive water
adsorbed water
aerated water
aggressive water
ammonia water
apportioned water
artesian water
atmospheric water
available water
bleed water
boiler water
boiling water
borated water
bottom water
bound water
brackish water
capillary water
carbonate water
cavern water
char sweet water
chemically pure water
chlorinated water
circulating water
clarified water
cleaning purposes water
clear sweet water
clear water
colliery water
Cologne water
combined water
compensation water
condensate water
condenser water
condensing water
conductivity water
confined water
conservation water
constitution water
contaminated water
cooking water
cook water
cooling water
corrosive water
crystallization water
crystal water
day water
dead water
deaerated water
deep water
degassed water
deionized water
delivery water
demineralized water
dentifrice water
desalinized water
desiliconized water
desilting water
dirty sweet water
discharge water
distilled water
domestic water
downstream water
drain water
drilling water
drinking water
dystrophic water
effective snowmelt water
effluent water
electronic-grade water
electronic water
emergency core cooling water
entrained water
eutrophic water
excessive tail water
exchange water
exportable water
feed water
fixed water
floral water
flowing water
flushing water
flush water
formation water
foul water
free water
fruit soda water
glue water
gravitational water
gray water
gutter water
hard water
head water
heavy water
high water
hydrothermal water
hygroscopic water
ice-congested water
imported water
impounding water
industrial water
infected water
influent water
intercepted water
intermediate water
interstitial water
irreducible water
irregular temporary water
irrigation water
land water
leakage water
lenthic water
light water
lime water
lockage water
loose water
lothic water
low water
main water
makeup water
manufacturing water
mashing water
melt water
melting water
meteoric water
middle water
mine water
mineral water
mineralized water
mixing water
mud makeup water
muddy water
narrow water
navigable water
nonartesian water
noncirculating water
nonflashing water
nonmoving water
nonpotable water
nonradioactive water
offshore water
onsite water
open water
ordinary water
overflow water
overinhibited water
oversill water
oxygenated water
oxygenless water
peptone water
perched water
percolating water
phreatic water
piped water
polluted water
potable water
precipitation water
pressure water
pretreated water
process water
produced water
project water
pulp water
pulp-press water
pure water
quenching water
radioactive water
raw water
reactor water
recirculated water
recreation water
recycled water
regeneration water
residual water
residuary water
restricted water
return water
reuse water
rinse water
rose water
running water
saline water
salt water
sample water
sanitary water
saturated water
saturation-pressure water
scale-producing water
sediment-laden water
seepage water
service water
sewage water
shallow tail water
shielding water
shoaling water
silica-free water
silt-free water
silt-laden water
slope water
sludging water
sluice water
smooth water
snow water
soaking water
soft water
softened water
soil water
solid water
source water
spill water
spilling water
spray water
stagnant water
steeping water
steep water
still water
storage water
storm water
subcooled water
subsoil water
subsurface water
supercritical water
surface water
surplus water
suspended water
sweet water
table water
tail water
tank water
tap water
temporary water
thermally enriched water
thickened water
tie water
toilet water
top water
total precipitable water
town water
treated water
trypton water
turbid water
ultrapure water
underground water
underscreen water
upgrade water
upstream water
versatile hardness water
wash water
waste water
water of reaction
water of zero hardness
whirling water
white water

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "water" в других словарях:

  • Water —    • Water was much safer in olden times, but now it can contain poison and parasites (giardia and hepatitis). The best water is fast moving and at high elevations, and away from human habitation. Water should always be clear, never discolored or …   The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology

  • water — [wôt′ər, wät′ər] n. [ME < OE wæter, akin to Ger wasser < IE * wodōr < * wed , to wet (< base * awed , to moisten, flow) > Gr hydōr, water, L unda, a wave, Russ voda, water, Ir uisce, water] 1. the colorless, transparent liquid… …   English World dictionary

  • Water — Wa ter (w[add] t[ e]r), n. [AS. w[ae]ter; akin to OS. watar, OFries. wetir, weter, LG. & D. water, G. wasser, OHG. wazzar, Icel. vatn, Sw. vatten, Dan. vand, Goth. wat[=o], O. Slav. & Russ. voda, Gr. y dwr, Skr. udan water, ud to wet, and perhaps …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • water — ► NOUN 1) the liquid which forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms. 2) (waters) an area of sea regarded as under the jurisdiction of a particular country. 3) (the waters) the water of a mineral… …   English terms dictionary

  • Water — Wa ter, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Watered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Watering}.] [AS. w[ae]terian, gew[ae]terian.] [1913 Webster] 1. To wet or supply with water; to moisten; to overflow with water; to irrigate; as, to water land; to water flowers. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Water — Wa ter, v. i. 1. To shed, secrete, or fill with, water or liquid matter; as, his eyes began to water. [1913 Webster] If thine eyes can water for his death. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To get or take in water; as, the ship put into port to water.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • water — / vater/ s.m. [abbrev. di water closet ]. [vaso di maiolica e relativo sciacquone collocati nella stanza da bagno] ▶◀ (pop.) cesso, gabinetto, tazza, vaso, water closet …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • water — [n] pure liquid hydrogen and oxygen Adam’s ale*, aqua, aqua pura*, drink, H2O, rain, rainwater, saliva, tears; concept 467 water [v] dampen; put water in baptize, bathe, damp, dilute, doctor, douse, drench, drool, flood, hose, imbue, inundate,… …   New thesaurus

  • water — wa‧ter [ˈwɔːtə ǁ ˈwɒːtər, ˈwɑː ] verb water something → down phrasal verb [transitive] to make a suggestion, rule, or proposal less forceful by removing some parts of it: • A late amendment watered down the insider trading penalties to a £100,000 …   Financial and business terms

  • water — BALAST [pr.: uótăr balast] n. Tanc conţinând lestul lichid al unei nave şi fiind plasat în fundul dublu al acesteia. /<fr., engl. water balast Trimis de siveco, 22.08.2004. Sursa: NODEX …   Dicționar Român

  • wáter — wáter, water closet → váter …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

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