wadding pad

wadding pad
1) ватная прокладка
2) наполнитель из ваты

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "wadding pad" в других словарях:

  • pad — / padding [n1] protection buffer, cushion, filling, packing, stuffing, wad, wadding, waste; concepts 473,475 pad [n2] tablet of paper block, jotter, memorandum, notebook, notepad, paper, parchment, quire, ream, scratch, scratch pad, slips;… …   New thesaurus

  • pad|ding — «PAD ihng», noun. 1. material used to pad with, such as cotton, felt, straw, or hair. SYNONYM(S): wadding. 2. unnecessary words used just to fill space in making a speech or a written paper longer: »His letters were usually all common form and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pad — I 1. noun 1) a pad over the eye Syn: piece of cotton, dressing, pack, padding, wadding, wad 2) a seat pad Syn: cushion, pillow 3) making notes on a pad …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • pad — I n 1. cushion, Inf. sit upon, pillow, bolster; padding, filling, stuffing, wadding. See padding(def. 1). 2. pad of paper, tablet, writing pad, note pad, memo pad. 3.(all of animals) foot, Zool. forefoot, paw, fore paw. 4. gauze pad, Med.… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • wadding — wad·ding || wÉ‘dɪŋ / wÉ’d n. filler, padding; pulp, cotton wool wÉ‘d /wÉ’d n. small mass, small ball; padding material; (Slang) large amount (as of money, friends, etc.) v. plug with cotton wool; line or pad with wadding; hold in place with… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • padding — pad / padding [n1] protection buffer, cushion, filling, packing, stuffing, wad, wadding, waste; concepts 473,475 pad [n2] tablet of paper block, jotter, memorandum, notebook, notepad, paper, parchment, quire, ream, scratch, scratch pad, slips;… …   New thesaurus

  • Diaper — Nappy redirects here. For other uses, see Nappy (disambiguation) and Diaper (disambiguation). For the geological term, see diapir. Disposable baby diaper with resealable tapes and elasticated leg cuffs …   Wikipedia

  • wad — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. lump, plug, stuffing, filling, batting, wadding; bankroll. See size, money. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A little heap] Syn. bundle, pile, mass, block, gathering, lump, tuft, clump, bunch. 2. [Soft… …   English dictionary for students

  • Quilt — For other uses, see Quilt (disambiguation). For the sewing technique, see Quilting. A patchwork and embroidery quilt that displays flowers and birds A quilt is a type of bed cover, traditionally composed of three layers of fiber: a woven cloth… …   Wikipedia

  • wad — wad1 [wäd] n. [ML wadda, wadding < ?] 1. a small, soft mass or ball, as a handful of cotton, crumpled paper, etc. 2. a lump or small, compact mass (of something) [a wad of chewing tobacco] 3. a mass of soft or fibrous material used for padding …   English World dictionary

  • wad — I. noun Etymology: Middle English wadde, from Medieval Latin wadda Date: 15th century 1. a small mass, bundle, or tuft: as a. a soft mass especially of a loose fibrous material variously used (as to stop an aperture, pad a garment, or hold grease …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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