сокр. от vertical takeoff and horizontal landing
вертикальный взлет и горизонтальная посадка

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "VTOHL" в других словарях:

  • VTOHL — is an acronym for Vertical Take Off Horizontal Landing. VTOHL describes airplanes that can lift off vertically but land in the traditional manner.While many VTOL aircraft can operate in this fashion, some planes must land normally after taking… …   Wikipedia

  • VTOHL — Transbordador espacial Atlantis estadounidense en pleno despegue vertical. VTOHL (acrónimo en inglés de Vertical Take Off and Horizontal Landing, «despegue vertical y aterrizaje horizontal») describe a un tipo de aeronaves que pueden despegar de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • CTOL — is an acronym for conventional take off and landing, and is the process whereby conventional aircraft (such as passenger aircraft) take off and land, involving the use of runways. The aircraft will taxi along the runway until its rotation speed… …   Wikipedia

  • Two-stage-to-orbit — A two stage to orbit (TSTO or DSTO Double/Dual Stage To Orbit) launch vehicle is a spacecraft in which two distinct stages provide propulsion consecutively in order to achieve orbital velocity. It is intermediate between a three stage to orbit… …   Wikipedia

  • Touch-and-go landing — Argentine Super Etendard commencing a touch and go landing on the USS Ronald Reagan during Gringo Gaucho. In aviation, a touch and go landing or circuit is a manoeuvre that is common when learning to fly a fixed wing aircraft, although there is… …   Wikipedia

  • Deadstick landing — A deadstick landing, also called a dead stick landing is a type of forced landing when an aircraft loses all of its propulsive power and is forced to land. The term is often misunderstood, as the flight controls in the majority of aircraft are… …   Wikipedia

  • Emergency landing — For other uses, see Emergency landing (disambiguation). Crash landing redirects here. For other uses, see Crash landing (disambiguation). JetBlue Airways Flight 292 making an emergency landing at LAX An emergency landing is a landing made by an… …   Wikipedia

  • Water landing — Ditching redirects here. For the intentional delinquence from compulsory schooling, see truancy. A water landing is, in the broadest sense, any landing on a body of water. All waterfowl, those seabirds capable of flight, and some human built… …   Wikipedia

  • Crosswind landing — A crosswind landing is a landing maneuver in which a significant component of the prevailing wind is perpendicular to the runway center line. Contents 1 Significance 2 Techniques 2.1 De Crab 2.2 Crab …   Wikipedia

  • CATOBAR — katapultunterstützter Start einer F 18 Die Abkürzung CATOBAR (Catapult Assisted Take Off But Arrested Recovery) bezeichnet ein System des Starts und der Wiederaufnahme von Flugzeugen auf Flugzeugträgern und bezieht sich auf Flugzeuge, die nach… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • CTOL — CTOL: Eine Junkers Ju 52 beschleunigt vor dem Start CTOL ist die Abkürzung für Conventional Take Off and Landing und beschreibt die konventionelle Start und Landeweise von Flugzeugen durch Beschleunigen bis zum Erreichen der Startgeschwindigkeit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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