- boresight
1) опорное направление; пеленг; линия визирования2) линия прицеливания3) рлк равносигнальное направление•
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Boresight — is the optical axis of a directional antenna.Boresight is also a term used to describe crude adjustments made to an optical firearm sight, or iron sights, to align the firearm barrel and sights. This method is usually used to pre align the sights … Wikipedia
boresight — /bawr suyt , bohr /, v.t. to verify the alignment of the sights and bore of (a firearm). [back formation from boresighting; see BORE1, SIGHT, ING1] * * * … Universalium
boresight — noun The optical axis of a directional antenna … Wiktionary
boresight — v. align the sight and barrel of a gun … English contemporary dictionary
boresight — To align a gun or another device by optical sighting on a target. Bore sight angle is the angle through which a seeker can pick up and successfully engage a target … Aviation dictionary
boresight — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ transitive verb 1. : to bring into proper parallel alignment (the bore and sights of a gun) by sighting on a distant point through the bore and adjusting the sights on that same point 2. a. : to aim at (a target) by sighting through… … Useful english dictionary
boresight error — The linear displacement between two parallel lines of sight … Aviation dictionary
Off-Boresight Angle — Das Monopulsverfahren ist in der Radartechnik ein Winkelmessverfahren. Mit einer speziellen Monopuls Antenne werden aus einem ausgesendeten Messimpuls des Impulsradargerätes mehrere Empfangssignale gebildet, welche die Position des Flugzeuges… … Deutsch Wikipedia
radar boresight line — The area along the axis of a radar aerial in which the beams overlap. See boresight … Aviation dictionary
effective boresight area — efektyvioji nusitaikymo zona statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. effective boresight area vok. Gebiet des effektiven Strahlungsmittelpunkts, n rus. эффективная зона прицеливания, f pranc. zone effective de visée, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
BAGSE — Boresight Assembly Ground Support Equipment (Governmental » Military) … Abbreviations dictionary