- voltameter method
вольтаметрический метод
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Electrolysis of water — is the decomposition of water (H2O) into oxygen (O2) and hydrogen gas (H2) due to an electric current being passed through the water. Simple setup for demonstration of electrolysis of water at home. Contents … Wikipedia
Coulometry — is the name given to a group of techniques in analytical chemistry that determine the amount of matter transformed during an electrolysis reaction by measuring the amount of electricity (in coulombs) consumed or produced.[1] There are two basic… … Wikipedia
Cyclic voltammetry — Typical cyclic voltammogram where ipc and ipa show the peak cathodic and anodic current respectively for a reversible reaction. Cyclic voltammetry or CV is a type of potentiodynamic electrochemical measurement. In a cyclic voltammetry experiment… … Wikipedia
Chloralkali process — The chloralkali process is an industrial process for the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution (brine). Depending on the method several products beside hydrogen can be produced. If the products are separated, chlorine and sodium hydroxide are… … Wikipedia
Potentiometer (measuring instrument) — A potentiometer is an instrument for measuring the potential (voltage) in a circuit. Before the introduction of the moving coil and digital volt meters, potentiometers were used in measuring voltage, hence the meter part of their name. The method … Wikipedia
Castner–Kellner process — The Castner–Kellner process is a method of electrolysis on an aqueous alkali chloride solution (usually sodium chloride solution) to produce the corresponding alkali hydroxide,[1] invented by American Hamilton Castner and Austrian[2] Karl Kellner … Wikipedia
Differential pulse voltammetry — (AKA Differential Pulse Polarography or DPP) is often used to make electrochemical measurements. It can be considered as a derivative of linear sweep voltammetry or staircase voltammetry, with a series of regular voltage pulses superimposed on… … Wikipedia
Downs cell — The Downs process is an electrochemical method for the commercial preparation of metallic sodium, in which molten NaCl is electrolyzed in a special apparatus called the Downs cell.[1] How it works Schematic diagram of the Downs cell … Wikipedia