- voltage follower
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Voltage regulator — A popular three pin 12 V DC voltage regulator IC. A voltage regulator is an electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level. A voltage regulator may be a simple feed forward design or may include negative feedback … Wikipedia
Envelope-Follower — [englisch, envələʊp fɔləʊə(r); wörtlich »Hüllkurvenverfolger«], Baueinheit im Synthesizer, die die Amplitude eines eingegebenen akustischen Signals in eine Steuerspannung oder in MIDI Daten umwandelt. Bei einem einstellbaren… … Universal-Lexikon
Pitch-to-Voltage-Converter — [englisch, pɪtʃtə vəʊltɪdʒkən vɛːtə], Baueinheit (Modul) im analogen Synthesizer, die es ermöglicht, den Synthesizer durch ein anderes Instrument (z. B. E Gitarre, Blasinstrument) zu steuern, indem die konkrete Tonhöhe (Pitch) in eine bestimmte … Universal-Lexikon
Buffer amplifier — A buffer amplifier (sometimes simply called a buffer) is one that provides electrical impedance transformation from one circuit to another. Two main types of buffer exist: the voltage buffer and the current buffer. Figure 1: Top: Ideal voltage… … Wikipedia
Common collector — Figure 1: Basic NPN common collector circuit (neglecting biasing details). In electronics, a common collector amplifier (also known as an emitter follower or BJT voltage follower) is one of three basic single stage bipolar junction transistor… … Wikipedia
Current source — Figure 1: An ideal current source, I, driving a resistor, R, and creating a voltage V A current source is an electrical or electronic device that delivers or absorbs electric current. A current source is the dual of a voltage source. The term… … Wikipedia
Common source — Figure 1: Basic N channel JFET common source circuit (neglecting biasing details). Figure 2: Basic N channel JFET common source circuit with source degeneration … Wikipedia
Differential amplifier — symbol The inverting and non inverting inputs are distinguished by − and + symbols (respectively) placed in the amplifier triangle. Vs+ and Vs− are the power supply voltages; they are often omitted from the diagram for simplicity, but of course… … Wikipedia
Common emitter — Figure 1: Basic NPN common emitter circuit (neglecting biasing details). In electronics, a common emitter amplifier is one of three basic single stage bipolar junction transistor (BJT) amplifier topologies, typically used as a voltage amplifier.… … Wikipedia
Common drain — In electronics, a common drain amplifier, also known as a source follower, is one of three basic single stage field effect transistor (FET) amplifier topologies, typically used as a voltage buffer. In this circuit the gate terminal of the… … Wikipedia
Operational amplifier applications — This article illustrates some typical applications of operational amplifiers. A simplified schematic notation is used, and the reader is reminded that many details such as device selection and power supply connections are not shown. Contents 1… … Wikipedia