- void volume
объём пустот; объём пор, пористость
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Void ratio — Void ratio, in materials science, is defined as the volume of voids in a mixture divided by the volume of solids. This figure is relevant in composites, in mining (particular with regard to the properties of tailings), and in soil… … Wikipedia
Void Cube — casse tête Void Cube résolu. {{{licence}}} Mécanisme Cube de Rubik Joueur(s) … Wikipédia en Français
Void-Vacon — 48° 41′ 19″ N 5° 37′ 08″ E / 48.6886111111, 5.61888888889 … Wikipédia en Français
void — Synonyms and related words: abandon, abbreviate, abnegate, abolish, abridge, abrogate, absence, abysm, abyss, acreage, annihilate, annul, area, arroyo, bankrupt in, bare, bare of, barren, bereft of, bland, blank, blankness, bleached, blot out,… … Moby Thesaurus
void ratio — The ratio of (a) the volume of void space to (b) the volume of solid particles in a given soil mass [22] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
volume — Synonyms and related words: abundance, accommodation, acreage, acres, aggregate, amount, amplitude, area, armful, article, back number, bagful, bags, barrelful, barrels, basketful, best seller, bigness, binful, body, book, bottleful, bound book,… … Moby Thesaurus
Fiber volume ratio — is an important mathematical element in composite engineering. V f = frac{v f}{v c}! Isaac M Daniel, Ori Ishai. (2006). Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials . 2nd ed. Oxford University Press. ISBN 13: 978 0 19 532244 6] where:: V f is the … Wikipedia
Orders of magnitude (volume) — The boxes show the relative sizes of volumes from 1 to 1000 cubic units The pages linked in the right hand column contain lists of volumes that are of the same order of magnitude (power of ten). Rows in the table represent increasing powers of a… … Wikipedia
Bounding volume — A three dimensional model with its bounding box drawn in dashed lines. For building code compliance, see Bounding. In computer graphics and computational geometry, a bounding volume for a set of objects is a closed volume that completely contains … Wikipedia
At the Edge of the Great Void — Graphicnovelbox| englishtitle = At the Edge of the Great Void foreigntitle = Au Bord du Grand Rien publisher = Dargaud date = 2004 series = Valérian and Laureline origlanguage = French origisbn = 2 2050 5373 6 writers = Pierre Christin artists =… … Wikipedia
Funk D'Void — Funk D’Void (* 10. März 1971 in Glasgow; eigentlich Lars Sandberg) ist ein Produzent im Bereich der elektronischen Tanzmusik. Das Projekt wurde nach der mythischen George Clinton Figur Sir Nose d Void of Funk benannt. Sandberg ist auch unter den… … Deutsch Wikipedia