Смотреть что такое "VLSI" в других словарях:
VLSI — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda VLSI es la sigla en inglés de Very Large Scale Integration, integración en escala muy grande. La integración en escala muy grande de sistemas de circuitos basados en transistores en circuitos integrados comenzó en… … Wikipedia Español
VLSI — sigla ES ingl. Very Large Scale Integration, integrazione su larghissima scala, circuito che comprende un numero di elementi compreso tra i 5000 e i 50.000 … Dizionario italiano
VLSI — VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) СБМИ (сверхбольшая масштабная интеграция) Процесс (технология) создания сверхбольших интегральных схем и сама схема, содержащая от 100000 до 1000000 компонентов … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
VLSI — [vē΄el΄es΄ī′] n. [v(ery )l(arge )s(cale) i(ntegration)] a very complex integrated circuit, esp. one having more than 5,000 transistors or other electronic components: cf. LSI … English World dictionary
VLSI — Intégration à très grande échelle L intégration à très grande échelle (VLSI Very Large Scale Integration) est une technologie de circuit intégré (CI) dont la densité d intégration permet de supporter plus de 100 000 composants électroniques… … Wikipédia en Français
VLSI — Der Integrationsgrad bezeichnet die absolute Anzahl Transistoren in einem Integrierten Schaltkreis (engl. Integrated Circuit, IC). Der Integrationsgrad ergibt sich aus der Integrationsdichte (Anzahl Transistoren pro Flächeneinheit) und der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
VLSI — I VLSI, Elektronik: Integrationsgrad. II VLSI, Integrationsgrad … Universal-Lexikon
VLSI — ¦vē¦el¦esˈī abbreviation or noun very large scale integration herein * * * Electronics. very large scale integration: the technology for concentrating many thousands of semiconductor devices on a single integrated circuit. Cf. MSI, LSI. * * *… … Useful english dictionary
VLSI — Acrónimo inglés de Very Large Scale Integration, integración en escala muy grande. Se suele considerar que, a raíz de la VLSI, entramos en la cuarta generación de ordenadores, en las que el corazón de un ordenador (el microprocesador) está… … Enciclopedia Universal
VLSI Technology — Infobox Company company name = VLSI Technology, Inc. company company type = Subsidiary foundation = 1979 location = San Jose, California industry = VLSI Embedded Systems Application specific integrated circuit owner = Philips Electronics (Since… … Wikipedia
VLSI Project — DARPA s VLSI Project provided research funding to a wide variety of university based teams in an effort to improve the state of the art in microprocessor design, then known as VLSI. Although little known, notably in comparison to their work on… … Wikipedia