- visual threshold
порог зрительного восприятия
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Visual ethics — is an emerging interdisciplinary field of scholarship that brings together religious studies, philosophy, photo and video journalism, visual arts, and cognitive science in order to explore the ways human beings relate to others ethically through… … Wikipedia
threshold — 1. The point at which a stimulus first produces a sensation. 2. The lower limit of perception of a stimulus. 3. The minimal stimulus that produces excitation of any structure; e.g., the minimal stimulus eliciting a moto … Medical dictionary
Visual short term memory — In the study of vision, visual short term memory (VSTM) is one of three broad memory systems including iconic memory and long term memory. VSTM is a type of short term memory, but one limited to information within the visual domain. The term VSTM … Wikipedia
Visual field — The term visual field is sometimes used as a synonym to field of view, though they do not designate the same thing. The visual field is the spatial array of visual sensations available to observation in introspectionist psychological experiments … Wikipedia
visual approach slope indicator — A system of lights arranged to provide visual descent guidance information during the approach to a runway. These lights are visible from 3 to 5 miles during the day and up to 20 miles at night. The visual glide path of the VASI provides a safe… … Aviation dictionary
visual descent points — A point on the final approach course of a nonprecision straight in approach procedure from which normal descent from the minimum decision altitude (MDA) to the runway touchdown point may be commenced, provided the visual reference required is… … Aviation dictionary
visual-maneuvering (circling) area — The area in which the obstacle clearance should be taken into consideration for aircraft carrying out a circling approach (ICAO). It is the visual phase of flight after completing an instrument approach to bring an aircraft into position for… … Aviation dictionary
threshold-crossing height — The height of the straight line extension of the visual or electronic glide slope above the runway threshold. On approach charts, the symbol TCH indicates the threshold crossing height … Aviation dictionary
visual runway — A runway intended solely for the operation of aircraft using visual approach procedures, with no straight in instrument approach procedure and no instrument designation indicated on the national authority’s approved airport layout plan, military… … Aviation dictionary
threshold of visual sensation — the least possible amount of stimulus that gives rise to the sensation of sight … Medical dictionary
Flicker fusion threshold — The flicker fusion threshold (or flicker fusion rate) is a concept in the psychophysics of vision. It is defined as the frequency at which an intermittent light stimulus appears to be completely steady to the observer (this article centers around … Wikipedia