- visual observation
визуальное наблюдение
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
visual observation — regimasis stebėjimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. visual observation vok. visuelle Beobachtung, f rus. визуальное наблюдение, n pranc. observation visuelle, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
visual observation — vizualinis stebėjimas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Stebėjimas plika akimi arba naudojant optinius prietaisus; vienas iš žvalgybos būdų. atitikmenys: angl. visual observation rus. визуальное наблюдение … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
visual observation — observation made by the naked eye, observation done without visual aids or other equipment … English contemporary dictionary
Constant visual observation — Constant visual observation, often abbreviated to constant visual , is a term used in various Mental Health Services, Prisons and Special Schools to describe the status of a prisoner or patient who poses a threat to himself or a third party, and… … Wikipedia
visual report — A report based on the aircrew’s visual observation that answers specific questions regarding the target for which the sortie was sent. It is akin to a hot report. The terms visual report and in flight report have different meanings and are not… … Aviation dictionary
observation visuelle — regimasis stebėjimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. visual observation vok. visuelle Beobachtung, f rus. визуальное наблюдение, n pranc. observation visuelle, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Visual Basic for Applications — (VBA) Paradigm(s) Multi paradigm Appeared in 1993 Developer Microsoft … Wikipedia
Visual sociology — is an area of sociology concerned with the visual dimensions of social life. This subdiscipline is nurtured by the [http://www.visualsociology.org International Visual Sociology Association] (IVSA), which holds annual conferences and publishes… … Wikipedia
Visual memory — Close up of the human eye, where vision begins. Visual memory describes the relationship between perceptual processing and the encoding, storage and retrieval of the resulting neural representations. Visual memory occurs over a broad time range… … Wikipedia
Visual field — The term visual field is sometimes used as a synonym to field of view, though they do not designate the same thing. The visual field is the spatial array of visual sensations available to observation in introspectionist psychological experiments … Wikipedia
Observation balloon — An observation balloon being launched from the USS Arizona. This balloon has a two man crew that performed artillery spotting in support of the battleship s main guns … Wikipedia