vision [visual] persistence

vision [visual] persistence
инерция зрения

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "vision [visual] persistence" в других словарях:

  • Persistence of vision — is the phenomenon of the eye by which even nanoseconds of exposure to an image result in milliseconds of reaction (sight) from the retina to the optic nerves. This is because persistence of vision depends on chemical transmission of nerve… …   Wikipedia

  • persistence — [pər sist′ən sē, pər zist′ən sēpər sist′əns, pərzist′əns] n. [Fr persistance] 1. the act of persisting; stubborn or enduring continuance 2. the quality of being persistent; tenacity: also persistency [pər sist′ən sē, pər zist′ən sē] 3. the… …   English World dictionary

  • persistence of vision — a visual phenomenon that is responsible for the apparent continuity of rapidly presented discrete images (as in motion pictures or television) consisting essentially of a brief retinal persistence of one image so that it is overlapped by the next …   Useful english dictionary

  • persistence of vision — per·sis·tence of vision pər sis tən(t)s , zis n a visual phenomenon that is responsible for the apparent continuity of rapidly presented discrete images (as in motion pictures or television) consisting essentially of a brief retinal persistence… …   Medical dictionary

  • persistence of vision — the retention of a visual image for a short period of time after the removal of the stimulus that produced it: the phenomenon that produces the illusion of movement when viewing motion pictures. [1900 05] * * * …   Universalium

  • Persistencia de la visión — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Este dibujo animado de un caballo galopando, se muestra a 12 dibujos por segundo. Se suele afirmar equivocadamente que el caballo se ve en movimiento debido a la persistencia retiniana pero en realidad esto ocurre… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Emission theory (vision) — Emission theory or extramission theory is the proposal that visual perception is accomplished by rays of light emitted by the eyes. This theory has been replaced by intromission theory, which is that visual perception is accomplished by rays of… …   Wikipedia

  • Human visual system model — A human visual system model (HVS model) is used by image processing, video processing and computer vision experts to deal with biological and psychological processes that are not yet fully understood. Such a model is used to simplify the… …   Wikipedia

  • movement perception — ▪ process Introduction       process through which humans and other animals orient themselves to their own or others physical movements. Most animals, including humans, move in search of food that itself often moves; they move to avoid predators… …   Universalium

  • Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton — Alan Archibald Campbell Swinton, FRS (1863–1930) was a Scottish consulting electrical engineer born in Edinburgh. He described an electronic method of producing television in a 1908 letter to Nature .BiographyCampbell Swinton was educated at… …   Wikipedia

  • Memoria icónica — La memoria icónica es el registro de la memoria sensorial relacionado con el dominio visual. Es un componente del sistema de memoria visual, que incluye también la memoria visual a corto plazo (MVCP) y la memoria a largo plazo (MLP). La memoria… …   Wikipedia Español

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