- vinyl methyl ether
винилметиловый эфир
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Methyl vinyl ether — Other names Methoxyethene, ethenyl methyl ether, vinyl methyl ether … Wikipedia
Methyl-vinyl-ether — Me|thyl vi|nyl e|ther; Syn.: Vinyl methyl ether: H3C O CH=CH2; farbloses, brennbares Gas, Sdp. 6 °C, das zur Herst. von Polymeren u. Copolymeren benutzt wird … Universal-Lexikon
Diethyl ether — Diethyl ether … Wikipedia
Poly(methyl methacrylate) — This article is about the transparent plastic sometimes called acrylic glass. For the glass/plastic laminate often called safety glass , see laminated glass. Poly(methyl methacrylate) … Wikipedia
Lucien Monnerie — Pour les personnes ayant le même patronyme, voir Monnerie. Lucien Monnerie Naissance 3 août 1937 Saint Junien (France) Nationalité … Wikipédia en Français
industrial polymers, major — Introduction chemical compounds used in the manufacture of synthetic industrial materials. In the commercial production of plastics, elastomers, man made fibres, adhesives, and surface coatings, a tremendous variety of polymers are… … Universalium
Коптюг — Коптюг, Валентин Афанасьевич Валентин Афанасьевич Коптюг Дата рождения: 9 июня 1931(1931 06 09) Место рождения: Юхнов, Западная область, СССР Дата смерти: 10 января 1997 … Википедия
National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants — The National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) are emissions standards set by the United States EPA for an air pollutant not covered by NAAQS that may cause an increase in fatalities or in serious, irreversible, or… … Wikipedia
List of Extremely Hazardous Substances — This is a list of Extremely Hazardous Substances as defined by Section 302 of the U.S. Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act. NOTOC A * Acetone cyanohydrin * Acetone thiosemicarbazide * Acrolein * Acrylamide * Acrylonitrile *… … Wikipedia
heterocyclic compound — Any of a class of organic compounds whose molecules contain one or more rings of atoms with at least one atom (the heteroatom) being an element other than carbon, most frequently oxygen, nitrogen, or sulfur. As in regular cyclic hydrocarbons,… … Universalium
Liste de molecules detectees dans le milieu interstellaire — Liste de molécules détectées dans le milieu interstellaire Cet article est une liste de molécules qui ont été détectée dans le milieu interstellaire, groupées par nombre d atomes constituant. La formule brute de chaque composé est mentionnée,… … Wikipédia en Français