- viewdata
диалоговая информационная система с использованием телефонных каналов и воспроизведением на экране
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Viewdata — is a Videotex implementation. It is a type of information retrieval service in which a subscriber can access a remote database via a common carrier channel, request data and receive requested data on a video display over a separate channel. The… … Wikipedia
Viewdata — est le nom de la technologie Vidéotex interactive développée au Royaume Uni dans les années 1970 par la Poste Britannique (la version non interactive étant le télétexte Ceefax). Sa marque commerciale était le Prestel. De manière comparable, en… … Wikipédia en Français
viewdata — (izg. vjȗdējta) ž DEFINICIJA inform. sistem ili mreža koja osigurava kompjuterizirane informacije za emitiranje na TV ekranima ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
viewdata — [vyo͞o′dāt΄ə, vyo͞o′dat΄ə] n. chiefly Brit. var. of VIDEOTEX … English World dictionary
Viewdata — Viewedata Engloba el proceso de solicitud de datos a un ordenador, que son transmitidos por un medio de comunicaciones y se presentan en la pantalla de un terminal.Es una variante del teletexto e incorpora cierta interactividad además del correo… … Wikipedia Español
viewdata — noun an information retrieval service of the 1970s and 1980s permitting subscribers to access a remote database and receive requested data on a video display. A viewdata system can be succinctly described as an information and message service … Wiktionary
viewdata — A videotex system in which information from a distant computer is sent along telephone wires to a television set in the receiving home or office. Viewdata provides a vast amount of general information, such as news, stock exchange prices, and… … Big dictionary of business and management
viewdata — noun Date: 1975 a videotex system usually employing telephone lines … New Collegiate Dictionary
viewdata — /vyooh day teuh, dat euh, dah teuh/, n. an interactive videotex service provided over a telephone line or television cable. [1970 75; VIEW + DATA] * * * … Universalium
Viewdata — Интерактивная информационная система; Электронная видеосистема для переговоров по каналам связи … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
VIEWDATA — ursprüngl. Name von PRESTEL Videotext Dienst ( > Lexikon der Text undd Datenkommunikation ) … Acronyms