- boot jack
нефт. ловильный крючок
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
boot-jack — bootˈ jack noun A device for pulling off boots • • • Main Entry: ↑boot … Useful english dictionary
boot|jack — «BOOT JAK», noun. a device to help in pulling off boots … Useful english dictionary
Boot jack — A Boot Jack, sometimes known as a Boot Device, is a small tool which aids in the removal of boots. It consists of a U shaped mouth which grips the heel of the boot, and a flat area to which weight can be applied. To operate it, the user places… … Wikipedia
Boot — A boot is a type of shoe that covers at least the foot and the ankle and sometimes extends up to the knee or even the hip. Most have a heel that is clearly distinguishable from the rest of the sole, even if the two are made of one piece.… … Wikipedia
Jack Phillips — John George „Jack“ Phillips (* 11. April 1887 in Godalming, Surrey, England; † 15. April 1912 im Nordatlantik beim Untergang der Titanic) war Funker auf der RMS Titanic … Deutsch Wikipedia
jack|boot — «JAK BOOT», noun, verb, –n. 1. a heavy boot reaching above the knee. 2. a similar boot worn by German soldiers during World War II. 3. Figurative. a) rough, bullying measures; jackboot tactics. b) a person who uses rough, bullying measures: »a… … Useful english dictionary
jack|boot|ed — «JAK BOO tihd», adjective. 1. wearing or worn with jackboots: »a jackbooted soldier, a jack booted uniform. 2. Figurative. militant; aggressive; violent … Useful english dictionary
Jack Dunlop (outlaw) — Jack Dunlop, also known as John Dunlop, John Patterson, and most commonly Three Fingered Jack Dunlop (1872? February 24, 1900) was an outlaw in the closing days of the Old West, best known for being a train robber. Whether or not he actually… … Wikipedia
Jack — Jack, n. [Named from its resemblance to a jack boot.] A pitcher or can of waxed leather; called also {black jack}. [Obs.] Dryden. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Jack Clayton — (* 1. März 1921 in Brighton, East Sussex; † 26. Februar 1995 in Slough, Berkshire) war ein englischer Filmregisseur und Filmproduzent. Das Mitglied der British New Wave wurde bekannt als Fachmann für Literaturverfilmungen und Produzent dreier… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Jack Leslie — Jack F. Leslie is a former football player. He signed for Plymouth Argyle from Barking Town in 1921. Leslie scored over 400 goals in his career, 134 of those for Plymouth in 400 appearances. He retired from football in 1935. A call up to the… … Wikipedia