vertical scaling

vertical scaling
пропорциональное уменьшение размеров по вертикали

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "vertical scaling" в других словарях:

  • vertical scaling — stačiojo mastelio parinkimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. vertical scaling vok. vertikale Maßstabverkleinerung, f; Vertikalskalierung, f rus. масштабирование вертикальных размеров, n pranc. mise à l échelle verticale, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • vertical scaling — statusis išplėtimas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Serverio (kompiuterio) galimybių išplėtimas sukuriant jame daugiau serverių (programų). Dar vartojama vertikalusis išplėtimas. atitikmenys: angl. vertical scaling ryšiai: palygink –… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • Scaling and root planing — Not to be confused with Dental antibiotic prophylaxis. Scaling and root planing Intervention Close up image of a hand scaler. ICD 9 CM …   Wikipedia

  • NOMINATE (scaling method) — NOMINATE W NOMINATE coordinates of members of the 111th House of Representatives. Inventors Keith T. Poole, University of Georgia …   Wikipedia

  • Scalability — In electronics (including hardware, communication and software) scalability is the ability of a system, network, or process, to handle growing amount of work in a graceful manner or its ability to be enlarged to accommodate that growth.[1] For… …   Wikipedia

  • Clutter (toolkit) — Clutter Developer(s) Intel Corporation Initial release 22 June 2006 Stable release 1.8.0 / September 19, 2011; 37 days ago (2011 09 19)[1] …   Wikipedia

  • PocketNES — is an NES emulator which runs on the Game Boy Advance, written by Neal Tew (Loopy) and Fredrik Olsson (Flubba). It can run on a GBA through use of flash cartridges, or with the GBA Movie Player. The emulator has been released into the public… …   Wikipedia

  • Potential applications of carbon nanotubes — Carbon nanotubes have many potential applications, here is a list of some of the most important:tructural*clothes: waterproof tear resistant cloth fibers *combat jackets: MIT is working on combat jackets that use carbon nanotubes as ultrastrong… …   Wikipedia

  • VE — VE, Ve or ve may refer to:* Vé, a character in Norse mythology * Ve (Cyrillic), a character from the Cyrillic alphabet * Ve (Arabic), a character of the Arabic alphabet. * Vè, a Vietnamese poetic form * Ve (pronoun), a proposed gender neutral… …   Wikipedia

  • IBM WebSphere Application Server — (WAS), a software application server, is the flagship product within IBM s WebSphere brand. WAS is built using open standards such as Java EE, XML, and Web Services. It works with a number of Web servers including Apache HTTP Server, Netscape… …   Wikipedia

  • CNFET — Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor Le transistor à effet de champ à nanotube (CNFET), utilise un nanotube de carbone mono paroi dans une structure s’apparentant à un transistor à effet de champ (FET)conventionnel Un CNFET (Carbon Nanotube… …   Wikipédia en Français

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