- vernier scale
шкала верньера, нониусная шкала
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Vernier scale — A vernier scale is an additional scale which allows a distance or angle measurement to be read more precisely than directly reading a uniformly divided straight or circular measurement scale. It is a sliding secondary scale that is used to… … Wikipedia
Vernier Scale — In 1631 French mathematician Pierre Vernier (1580 1637) published a mathematical treatise showing that a small, movable auxiliary scale could be attached to a larger, graduated scale to obtain finer adjustments. From that beginning developed… … Dictionary of eponyms
vernier scale — nonijaus skalė statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Pagalbinė matavimo įtaiso skalė, leidžianti tiksliai skaityti pagrindinės skalės padalos dalis. atitikmenys: angl. vernier scale vok. Noniusskala, f rus. нониусная шкала,… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
vernier scale — nonijaus skalė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. vernier scale vok. Noniusskala, f rus. верньерная шкала, f; шкала нониуса, f pranc. cadran vernier, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
vernier scale — noun a small movable scale that slides along a main scale; the small scale is calibrated to indicate fractional divisions of the main scale • Syn: ↑vernier • Hypernyms: ↑scale … Useful english dictionary
vernier scale — short graduated scale that slides along a larger scale and is used to measure tiny distances falling between the divisions of the larger scale (invented by the French mathematician Pierre Vernier) … English contemporary dictionary
Vernier — can refer to:*Persons **Pierre Vernier (1580 1637), a French mathematician and instrument inventor.*Places **Vernier, Switzerland, a municipality in the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland.*Things **Vernier scale, the scale used on measuring… … Wikipedia
vernier — [vʉr′nē ər, vʉr′nir] n. [after Pierre Vernier (1580 1637), Fr mathematician who invented it] 1. a short graduated scale that slides along a longer graduated instrument and is used to indicate fractional parts of divisions, as in a micrometer:… … English World dictionary
vernier caliper — a caliper formed of two pieces sliding across one another, one having a graduated scale and the other a vernier. Also called vernier micrometer. [1875 80] * * * ▪ measurement instrument instrument for making very accurate linear… … Universalium
vernier — /verr nee euhr/, n. 1. Also, vernier scale. a small, movable, graduated scale running parallel to the fixed graduated scale of a sextant, theodolite, barometer, etc., and used for measuring a fractional part of one of the divisions of the fixed… … Universalium
Vernier — Pierre, French mathematician, 1580–1637. See V. acuity. * * * n. a device for obtaining accurate measurements of length, to 1/10th, 1/100th or smaller fractions of a unit. It consists of a fixed graduated main scale against which a shorter… … Medical dictionary