
1) торговый автомат
2) (фирма-)поставщик

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "vendor" в других словарях:

  • vendor — ven·dor / ven dər, ven dȯr/ also vend·er / ven dər/ n: one that sells something Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. vendor …   Law dictionary

  • vendor — 1590s, from late Anglo Fr. vendor, from vendre to vend, from L. vendere to sell (see VEND (Cf. vend)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • vendor — vendor, vender The usual spelling for this formal and legal word meaning ‘seller’ is vendor. In AmE, vender is also used …   Modern English usage

  • Vendor — Vend or, n. [See {Vender}.] A vender; a seller; the correlative of vendee. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vendor — [n] person who sells wares businessperson, dealer, hawker, huckster*, merchant, outcrier, peddler, pitcher, traveler, traveling salesperson; concept 348 Ant. customer …   New thesaurus

  • vendor — (US also vender) ► NOUN 1) a person or company offering something for sale. 2) Law the seller in a sale, especially of property …   English terms dictionary

  • vendor — [ven′dər, ven dôr′] n. [Anglo Fr < Fr vendre] 1. one who vends, or sells; seller 2. VENDING MACHINE …   English World dictionary

  • Vendor ID — PCI configuration space конфигурационное адресное пространство конфигурационное адресное пространство. Оно состоит из 256 байт, которые можно адресовать, зная номер шины PCI, номер устройства и номер функции в устройстве. Первые 64 байта из 256… …   Википедия

  • Vendor — The party in the supply chain that makes goods and services available to companies or consumers. The term vendor is typically used to describe the entity that is paid for the goods that are provided, rather than the manufacturer of the goods. A… …   Investment dictionary

  • vendor — a seller of goods or of a business. Glossary of Business Terms Seller or supplier. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * vendor vend‧or [ˈvendə ǁ ər] noun [countable] formal LAW COMMERCE someone who is sellin …   Financial and business terms

  • vendor — vend|or [ˈvendə US ər] n 1.) someone who sells things, especially on the street news vendor/ice cream vendor etc ▪ He bought a copy from a newspaper vendor. ▪ the shouts of street vendors 2.) formal or law someone who is selling something ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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