vectorial angle
Смотреть что такое "vectorial angle" в других словарях:
vectorial angle — noun : the angle from the polar axis to the radius vector … Useful english dictionary
Espacio vectorial — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un espacio vectorial es un conjunto de objetos (llamados vectores) que pueden escalarse y sumarse. Un espacio vectorial (o espacio lineal) es el objeto básico de estudio en la rama de la matemática llamada álgebra… … Wikipedia Español
phasor — ˈfāzə(r) also ˌzȯ(ə)r or ȯ(ə) noun ( s) Etymology: phase (II) + vector : a vector (as one representing an alternating current or voltage) whose vectorial angle represents a phase or phase difference … Useful english dictionary
vector — vectorial /vek tawr ee euhl, tohr /, adj. vectorially, adv. /vek teuhr/, n. 1. Math. a. a quantity possessing both magnitude and direction, represented by an arrow the direction of which indicates the direction of the quantity and the length of… … Universalium
Ángulo — Para otros usos de este término, véase Ángulo (desambiguación). Un ángulo positivo de 45° … Wikipedia Español
Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor — F 22 Raptor Un F 22 Raptor del 27º Escuadrón de Caza de la USAF volando en enero de 2009. Tipo Caza de superioridad aérea furtivo … Wikipedia Español
Mechanics of planar particle motion — Classical mechanics Newton s Second Law History of classical mechanics … Wikipedia
AN/FPS-16 — manned space program and the U.S. Air Force. The accuracy of Radar Set AN/FPS 16 is such that the position data obtained from point source targets has azimuth and elevation angular errors of less than 0.1 milliradian (approximately 0.006 degree)… … Wikipedia
Orientation (geometry) — This article is about the orientation or attitude of an object in space. For orientation as a property in linear algebra, see Orientation (vector space). Changing orientation of a rigid body is the same as rotating the axes of a reference frame… … Wikipedia
Purification of quantum state — In quantum mechanics, especially quantum information, purification refers to the fact that every mixed state acting on finite dimensional Hilbert spaces can be viewed as the reduced state of some pure state. In purely linear algebraic terms, it… … Wikipedia
Friction — For other uses, see Friction (disambiguation). Classical mechanics … Wikipedia