- vaseline oil
вазелиновое масло
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
vaseline oil — vazelino aliejus statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Rūkstančia H₂SO₄ ir balinančiosiomis žemėmis išgryninta parafininė alyva. atitikmenys: angl. medicinal oil; paraffin oil; paraffinic oil; vaseline oil; white paraffine oil rus. белое… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Vaseline — (auch Vaselin oder Petrolatum) ist ein salbenartiges Gemisch aus festen und flüssigen Kohlenwasserstoffen mit einem Schmelzbereich von 38 bis 58 °C. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Vaseline — (Vasenol in Portugal, Brazil, Italy and Spain), is a brand of petroleum jelly based products owned by Anglo Dutch company Unilever. Products include plain petroleum jelly and a selection of skin creams, lotions, cleansers, deodorants and… … Wikipedia
Vaseline — 1872, trademark for an ointment made from petroleum and marketed by Chesebrough Manufacturing Co., coined from Ger. Wasser water + Gk. elaion oil + scientific sounded ending INE (Cf. ine). Robert A. Chesebrough was of the opinion that petroleum… … Etymology dictionary
Vaseline® — /vasˈi lēn/ noun An ointment or lubricant consisting of petroleum jelly transitive verb To apply Vaseline to ORIGIN: Ger Wasser water, and Gr elaion oil … Useful english dictionary
Vaseline — Vas e*line, n. [Said by the manufacturer to be derived from G. wasser water + Gr. e laion olive oil.] A yellowish translucent substance, almost odorless and tasteless, obtained as a residue in the purification of crude petroleum, and consisting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vaseline — ► NOUN trademark ▪ a type of petroleum jelly used as an ointment and lubricant. ORIGIN from German Wasser water + Greek elaion oil … English terms dictionary
Vaseline — ☆ Vaseline [vas΄ə lēn′, vas′ə lēn΄ ] [arbitrary coinage < Ger was(ser),WATER + Gr el(aion),OIL + INE3] trademark for PETROLATUM n. [v ] petrolatum … English World dictionary
Vaseline — n. & v. n. propr. a type of petroleum jelly used as an ointment, lubricant, etc. v.tr. (vaseline) treat with Vaseline. Etymology: irreg. f. G Wasser + Gk elaion oil … Useful english dictionary
oil — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) I n. grease (see oil); oil paint (see painting). v. lubricate, grease (See oil); placate, flatter. See flattery, smoothness, servility. II Friction reducing fluid Nouns … English dictionary for students
oil — n 1. lubricant, lubricator, Inf. lube, Pharm. oleum, petrolatum, petroleum jelly, Trademark. Vaseline, baby oil; Chem. glycerol, Chem. glycerin; graphite, plumago, black lead; mineral oil, vegetable oil, olive oil, corn oil, cod liver oil; grease … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder