variable orbit

variable orbit
орбита с переменными параметрами

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "variable orbit" в других словарях:

  • Orbit — This article is about orbits in celestial mechanics, due to gravity. For other uses, see Orbit (disambiguation). A satellite orbiting the Earth has a tangential velocity and an inward acceleration …   Wikipedia

  • Orbit trap — An orbit trap is a method of colouring fractal images based upon how close an iterative function, used to create the fractal, approaches a geometric shape, called a trap . Typical traps are points, lines, circles, flower shapes and even raster… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket — Artist s impression of several VASIMR engines propelling a craft through space The Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) is an electro magnetic thruster for spacecraft propulsion. It uses radio waves to ionize and heat a… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable star — A star is classified as variable if its apparent brightness as seen from Earth changes over time, whether the changes are due to variations in the star s actual luminosity, or to variations in the amount of the star s light that is blocked from… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable velocity — Velocity Ve*loc i*ty, n.; pl. {Velocities}. [L. velocitas, from velox, ocis, swift, quick; perhaps akin to v?lare to fly (see {Volatile}): cf. F. v[ e]locit[ e].] [1913 Webster] 1. Quickness of motion; swiftness; speed; celerity; rapidity; as,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Universal variable formulation — In orbital mechanics, the universal variable formulation is a method used to solve the two body Kepler problem. It is an improvement on Kepler s Equation, generalizing it to apply not only to elliptic orbits, but also parabolic and hyperbolic… …   Wikipedia

  • Beta Lyrae variable — Beta Lyrae variables are a class of close binary stars. Their total brightness is variable because the two component stars orbit each other, and in this orbit one component periodically passes in front of the other one, thereby blocking its light …   Wikipedia

  • Kepler orbit — Gravitational attraction is the force that makes the Solar system stick together with the planets orbiting the Sun and the Moon orbiting the Earth. Isaac Newton formulated the physical law for this gravitational attraction which explained Kepler… …   Wikipedia

  • Quadrature of an orbit — Quadrature Quad ra*ture, n. [L. quadratura: cf. F. quadrature. See {Quadrate}, a.] 1. (Math.) The act of squaring; the finding of a square having the same area as some given curvilinear figure; as, the quadrature of a circle; the operation of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • eclipsing variable star — or eclipsing binary Binary star in an orbit whose plane passes through or very near Earth. An observer on Earth sees one star pass periodically in front of the other and diminish its light through an eclipse. The star Algol, in the constellation… …   Universalium

  • Algol variable — Algol variables or Algol type binaries are a class of eclipsing binary stars. When the cooler component passes in front of the hotter one, part of the latter s light is blocked, and the total brightness of the binary, as viewed from Earth,… …   Wikipedia

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