- vaporization entropy
энтропия парообразования
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Entropy of vaporization — The entropy of vaporization is the increase in entropy when vaporizing a substance. This is always positive since the degree of disorder increases in the transition from an organized crystalline solid or a slightly less organized liquid to the… … Wikipedia
Entropy of fusion — The entropy of fusion is the increase in entropy when melting a substance. This is always positive since the degree of disorder increases in the transition from an organized crystalline solid to the disorganized structure of a liquid. It is… … Wikipedia
Enthalpy of vaporization — The enthalpy of vaporization, (symbol Delta{} {v}H), also known as the heat of vaporization or heat of evaporation, is the energy required to transform a given quantity of a substance into a gas. It is measured at the normal boiling point of the… … Wikipedia
Introduction to entropy — Thermodynamic entropy provides a measure of certain aspects of energy in relation to absolute temperature. The thermodynamic entropy S, often simply called the entropy in the context of thermodynamics, is a measure of the amount of energy in a… … Wikipedia
Standard molar entropy — In chemistry, the standard molar entropy is the entropy content of one mole of substance, under standard conditions (not standard temperature and pressure STP).The standard molar entropy is usually given the symbol S o, and the units joules per… … Wikipedia
Trouton's rule — Trouton’s rule states that the entropy of vaporization is almost the same value, about 87 88 J K 1 mol 1, for various kinds of liquids. The entropy of vaporization is defined as the ratio between the enthalpy of vaporization and the boiling… … Wikipedia
Thermodynamic temperature — is the absolute measure of temperature and is one of the principal parameters of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic temperature is an “absolute” scale because it is the measure of the fundamental property underlying temperature: its null or zero point … Wikipedia
liquid — liquidly, adv. liquidness, n. /lik wid/, adj. 1. composed of molecules that move freely among themselves but do not tend to separate like those of gases; neither gaseous nor solid. 2. of, pertaining to, or consisting of liquids: a liquid diet. 3 … Universalium
Clausius–Clapeyron relation — The Clausius–Clapeyron relation, named after Rudolf Clausius and Benoît Paul Émile Clapeyron, who defined it sometime after 1834, is a way of characterizing a discontinuous phase transition between two phases of matter. On a pressure–temperature… … Wikipedia
thermodynamics — thermodynamicist, n. /therr moh duy nam iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the science concerned with the relations between heat and mechanical energy or work, and the conversion of one into the other: modern thermodynamics deals with the properties … Universalium
Clausius-Clapeyron relation — The Clausius Clapeyron relation, named after Rudolf Clausius and Émile Clapeyron, is a way of characterizing the phase transition between two phases of matter, such as solid and liquid. It is commonly learned in class. On a pressure temperature… … Wikipedia