- value-iteration [value-iterative] method
итерационный метод
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Iteration — means the act of repeating.MathematicsIteration in mathematics may refer to the process of iterating a function, or to the techniques used in iterative methods for solving numerical problems.ComputingIteration in computing is the repetition of a… … Wikipedia
Iterative proportional fitting — The iterative proportional fitting procedure (IPFP, also known as biproportional fitting in statistics, RAS algorithm[1] in economics and matrix raking or matrix scaling in computer science) is an iterative algorithm for estimating cell values of … Wikipedia
Iterative and incremental development — is a cyclic software development process developed in response to the weaknesses of the waterfall model. It is an essential part of the Rational Unified Process, the Dynamic Systems Development Method, Extreme Programming and generally the agile… … Wikipedia
Newton's method — In numerical analysis, Newton s method (also known as the Newton–Raphson method), named after Isaac Newton and Joseph Raphson, is a method for finding successively better approximations to the roots (or zeroes) of a real valued function. The… … Wikipedia
Kaczmarz method — The Kaczmarz method, based on the work of Polish Professor Stefan Kaczmarz, is a method for solving linear systems of equations Ax = b. It is an iterative algorithm that has found many applications ranging from computer tomography to digital… … Wikipedia
Scientific method — … Wikipedia
Power iteration — In mathematics, the power iteration is an eigenvalue algorithm: given a matrix A , the algorithm will produce a number lambda; (the eigenvalue) and a nonzero vector v (the eigenvector), such that Av = lambda; v .The power iteration is a very… … Wikipedia
Jacobi method — The Jacobi method is an algorithm in linear algebra for determining the solutions of a system of linear equations with largest absolute values in each row and column dominated by the diagonal element. Each diagonal element is solved for, and an… … Wikipedia
Householder's method — In numerical analysis, the class of Householder s methods are root finding algorithms used for functions of one real variable with continuous derivatives up to some order d+1 , where d will be the order of the Householder s method.The algorithm… … Wikipedia
Product software implementation method — A product software implementation method is a systematically structured approach to effectively integrate a software based service or component into the workflow of an organizational structure or an individual end user.This entry focuses on the… … Wikipedia
Information bottleneck method — The information bottleneck method is a technique introduced by Tishby et al [1] for finding the best tradeoff between accuracy and complexity (compression) when summarizing (e.g. clustering) a random variable X, given a joint probability… … Wikipedia