bonus rate
Смотреть что такое "bonus rate" в других словарях:
bonus rate — The total rate of return on a with profits policy, including the terminal bonus or any other bonuses paid by the insurance company … Big dictionary of business and management
Bonus-Zertifikat — Zertifikate sind Wertpapiere und zählen zu den strukturierten Finanzprodukten. Sie werden von Banken emittiert und vorwiegend an Privatkunden verkauft; sie sind daher klassische Retail Produkte. Mit Zertifikaten wird auch dem Privatanleger… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Baby Bonus — The Baby Bonus is a government payment to parents of children. Australia The baby bonus scheme introduced by the Federal Government of Australia under John Howard and Treasurer Peter Costello in the 2002 budget was aimed at offsetting the… … Wikipedia
Overtime rate — Part of a series on Organized labour … Wikipedia
piece rate — A payment scheme in which an employee is paid a specific price for each unit made. The rate is therefore directly related to output and not to time (compare time rate). This method is often combined with a basic salary and takes the form of a… … Big dictionary of business and management
Signing Bonus — A financial award, often issued in one or two lump sum payments, offered by a business to a prospective employee as an incentive to join the company. A signing bonus may consist of cash and/or stock options. Businesses offer signing bonuses to… … Investment dictionary
Pastor Bonus — (lat.: Der gute Hirte) ist die derzeit gültige Apostolische Konstitution über die Römische Kurie, sie wurde am 28. Juni 1988 durch Papst Johannes Paul II. erlassen. Im Wesentlichen wird eine Reorganisation, Umbenennung und Neuordnung der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
task-and-bonus system — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun : a system of incentive wage payment whereby a worker receives a guaranteed hourly rate and for accomplishing or bettering a set task a bonus that is a percentage of his hourly rate for the time allowed for the task … Useful english dictionary
basic wage rate — The wage rate paid to an operator for a specified time period worked; it excludes any payments for incentive bonus, shift premium, overtime, working conditions, and other premium payments that, when added to the basic wage rate, make up the final … Accounting dictionary
mel|io|rate — «MEEL yuh rayt, MEE lee uh », transitive verb, intransitive verb, raed, rat|ing. to make or become better or more bearable; improve; ameliorate. ╂[< Late Latin meliōrāre (with English ate1) < Latin melior better, comparative of bonus good] … Useful english dictionary
premium bonus — A payment by results method of paying workers, in which a standard time is set for the production of each unit and bonuses are paid related to the actual time taken. Depending on the needs of the organization, this scheme can be varied to achieve … Big dictionary of business and management