- user CAD system
специализированная САПР
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
User-centered design — In broad terms, user centered design (UCD) is a design philosophy and a process in which the needs, wants, and limitations of the end user of an interface or document are given extensive attention at each stage of the design process. User… … Wikipedia
BRL-CAD — Infobox Software name = BRL CAD http://brlcad.org/gallery/images/galleryLogo sm.gifBRL CAD Logo] http://brlcad.org/gallery/d/235 2/MGED.jpgMGED Screenshot] caption = author = Mike Muuss developer = Army Research Laboratory released = 1984 latest… … Wikipedia
ARRIS CAD — is an architectural CAD system developed and marketed by Sigma Design International. of Alexandria, Louisiana. It was originally developed as SigmaGraphics in 1978. It was originally developed and released on a Z80 microprocessor, which made it… … Wikipedia
MEDUSA (CAD) — Bildschirmfoto von MEDUSA4 Bildschirmfoto von MEDUSA4 MEDUSA ist ein CAD Programm, das besonders in den Bereichen Maschinen und Anlagenbau sowie in der Automobil und Zuliefer Industrie eingesetzt … Deutsch Wikipedia
Genera (operating system) — Genera Company / developer Symbolics OS family Lisp Machine OS Initial release 1982 … Wikipedia
Comparison of CAD, CAM and CAE file viewers — Computer aided design (CAD), Computer aided engineering (CAE) and Computer aided manufacturing (CAM) software produces files in a large variety of formats many of which are extremely complex and poorly supported by other applications. This… … Wikipedia
Geographic information system — GIS redirects here. For other uses, see GIS (disambiguation). A geographic information system, geographical information science, or geospatial information studies is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present… … Wikipedia
Graphical user interface — Screenshot of KDE Plasma Desktop GUI. A screenshot of the GNOME Shell GUI … Wikipedia
Claris CAD — is a two dimensional computer aided design program for Apple Inc. Macintosh. Claris CAD Developer(s) Claris Corporation Stable release … Wikipedia
Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System — In telecommunications, Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System or CTCSS is a circuit that is used to reduce the annoyance of listening to other users on a shared two way radio communications channel. It is sometimes called tone squelch. Where more… … Wikipedia
Cobalt (CAD program) — Cobalt’s integral ray tracing capabilities afford the designer detailed control of a wide variety of surface properties, including the amount of dimpling in the polished sandstone table. Shown here is a high end espresso tamper with an integral… … Wikipedia