- upper-stage rocket
1) двигатель МТА2) межорбитальный транспортный аппарат, МТА3) космонавт. разгонный блок
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
upper stage — upper stage, a second or later stage of a multistage rocket. –up´per stage´, adjective … Useful english dictionary
Inertial Upper Stage — The Inertial Upper Stage or IUS is a two stage solid fueled booster rocket developed by NASA and the U.S. Air Force for the launching of large payloads from either a Titan III (later Titan IV) rocket or from the payload bay of the Space… … Wikipedia
Interim Upper Stage — Die IUS die das Röntgenteleskop Chandra in seine hochelliptische Umlaufbahn brachte. Die IUS (Inertial Upper Stage, oder ursprünglich Interim Upper Stage) ist eine von Boeing hergestellte, zweistufige Oberstufe, mit deren Hilfe Satelliten aus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Inertial Upper Stage — Die IUS die das Röntgenteleskop Chandra in seine hochelliptische Umlaufbahn brachte. Die IUS (Inertial Upper Stage, deutsch etwa: „Trägheitsnavigierte Oberstufe“, oder ursprünglich Interim Upper Stage, deutsch etwa: vorläufige Oberstufe) ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
X-42 Pop-Up Upper Stage — X 42 is the designation of a still classified U.S. military space project. Specifications or photos of the program have not been released to the public; as a result not much is known about its goals. It is believed to be a liquid fueled rocket… … Wikipedia
Rocket propellant — is mass that is stored, usually in some form of propellant tank, prior to being used as the propulsive mass that is ejected from a rocket engine in the form of a fluid jet to produce thrust.Chemical rocket propellants are most commonly used,… … Wikipedia
inertial upper stage — a U.S. two stage, solid propellant rocket used to boost a relatively heavy spacecraft from a low earth orbit into a planetary trajectory or an elliptical transfer orbit. Abbr.: IUS Cf. payload assist module. * * * … Universalium
inertial upper stage — a U.S. two stage, solid propellant rocket used to boost a relatively heavy spacecraft from a low earth orbit into a planetary trajectory or an elliptical transfer orbit. Abbr.: IUS Cf. payload assist module … Useful english dictionary
Rocket experiments in the area of Cuxhaven — Between 1933 and 1964 numerous rocket experiments were carried out in the area of Cuxhaven, Germany.1930s and 1940s*In April 1933 Gerhard Zucker launched a mail rocket, which was to fly from Duhnen to the island of Neuwerk, but which fell to… … Wikipedia
Rocket launch — A rocket launch is the first phase of the flight of a rocket. For orbital spaceflights, or for launches into interplanetary space, rockets are launched from a launch pad, which is usually a fixed location on the ground but may also be on a… … Wikipedia
Rocket Engine Test Facility — Infobox nrhp name =Rocket Engine Test Facility nrhp type = nhl caption = 1982 photograph location= Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio locmapin = Ohio area = built =1957 architect= National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA)… … Wikipedia