
1) связь; соединение; сцепление
2) образование связи; соединение
3) связывание; склеивание || связывающий, связующий
4) соединение (прикрепление) пайкой или сваркой; монтаж; сборка
5) строит. перевязка (кладки)
6) эл. соединение (короткой) перемычкой
7) заземление кабельных оболочек или брони
8) заземляющая перемычка; короткозамыкающая перемычка (кабельных оболочек)
bonding across the interface — адгезия, связь между поверхностями
aircraft bonding
atomic bonding
automated bonding
ball bonding
beam-lead bonding
bumped tape bonding
cement bonding
chip bonding
chisel bonding
cross bonding
die bonding
direct bonding
discontinuous bonding
electron-beam bonding
energy pulse bonding
eutectic bonding
fabric-to-fabric bonding
face-down bonding
face bonding
face-up bonding
fiber-to-resin bonding
film-carrier bonding
flip-chip bonding
fusion bonding
gang bonding
gang lead bonding
laser bonding
lead bonding
metallic bonding
nonpolar covalent molecular bonding
polar covalent molecular bonding
rail bonding
sheath bonding
spider bonding
stitch bonding
strong bonding
tailless bonding
tape automated bonding
TC bird beak bonding
thermal bonding
thermal-compression bonding
thermal-pulse bonding
thermosonic bonding
ultrasonic bonding
van der Waals bondings
wire bonding
wire-post bonding

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "bonding" в других словарях:

  • Bonding — (engl. ‚Bindung‘) steht : in der Psychotherapie für ein Konzept, siehe Bonding (Psychotherapie) in der Entwicklungspsychologie für den ersten, Bindung stiftenden Kontakt zwischen Mutter und Neugeborenem, siehe Bindungstheorie in der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • bonding — bonding; in·ter·bonding; non·bonding; …   English syllables

  • bonding — adjective lay (bricks) in a strong overlapping pattern. → bond bonding noun place (dutiable goods) in bond. → bond …   English new terms dictionary

  • bonding — onding n. the process of fastening firmly together. Syn: soldering. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bonding — [bän′diŋ] n. the development of a close relationship between family members or friends …   English World dictionary

  • bonding — (1) Either the process of obtaining or the state of having a fidelity, indemnity, performance, payment, or similar bond. In commercial construction financing, bonding usually refers to a contractor s performance bond. For employees of financial… …   Financial and business terms

  • bonding — bond|ing [ˈbɔndıŋ US ˈba:n ] n [U] 1.) a process in which a special relationship develops between two or more people bonding between ▪ the bonding between mare and foal 2.) male/female bonding informal the activity of doing things with other… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bonding — Formation of a close and enduring emotional attachment, such as between parent and child, lovers, or husband and wife. * * * bond·ing n 1) the formation of a close relationship (as between a mother and child or between a person and an animal) esp …   Medical dictionary

  • Bonding — I Bonding   [dt. Bindung, Verbindung, »Fesselung«], Kommunikation: Kanalbündelung. II Bonding,  Halbleitertechnologie: ältere Anschlusstechnik, die bei Chips zum Einsatz kommt. Dabei wird deren Kern (Die) durch Drähte mit d …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Bonding — Le support « Bonding » de Linux (ou channel bonding ou encore etherchannel chez Cisco Systems) permet de « fusionner » deux interfaces Ethernet. Il est ainsi possible d’obtenir une interface virtuelle à 200 Mbit/s… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • bonding — /bon ding/, n. 1. Psychol., Animal Behav. a. a relationship that usually begins at the time of birth between a parent and offspring and that establishes the basis for an ongoing mutual attachment. b. the establishment of a pair bond. 2. a close… …   Universalium

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