unit cable

unit cable
кабель пучковой скрутки

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "unit cable" в других словарях:

  • Cable landing point — A cable landing point is the location where a submarine or other underwater cable makes landfall. The term is most often used for the landfall points of submarine telecommunications cables and submarine power cables. The main cable is joined to a …   Wikipedia

  • Cable television headend — is a master facility for receiving television signals for processing and distribution over a cable television system. The headend facility is normally unstaffed and surrounded by some type of security fencing and is typically a building or large… …   Wikipedia

  • Cable barrier — Cable barrier, sometimes referred to as guard cable, is a type of roadside or median barrier. It consists of steel wire ropes mounted on weak posts. As is the case with any roadside barrier, its primary purpose is to prevent a vehicle from… …   Wikipedia

  • Cable & Wireless (Caribbean) — Cable Wireless (West Indies) Ltd. is a leading wholly owned telecommunications subsidiary of the British based parent company Cable Wireless plc. This regional subsidiary covers 15 former British colonies of the Caribbean region and is made up of …   Wikipedia

  • cable length — n. a unit of length used to measure nautical distances or depths, in the U.S. equal to 120 fathoms or 720 ft (219.456 m): in Britain equal to 101.26 fathoms or 607.56 ft (185.184 m) or about one tenth of a nautical mile * * * …   Universalium

  • cable length — n. a unit of length used to measure nautical distances or depths, in the U.S. equal to 120 fathoms or 720 ft (219.456 m): in Britain equal to 101.26 fathoms or 607.56 ft (185.184 m) or about one tenth of a nautical mile …   English World dictionary

  • Cable theory — Classical cable theory describes the development of mathematical models that can calculate the flow of electric current (and accompanying voltage) along passive ref|classical neuronal fibers (neurites) particularly dendrites that receive synaptic …   Wikipedia

  • cable's length — noun a nautical unit of depth • Syn: ↑cable, ↑cable length • Hypernyms: ↑linear unit, ↑linear measure * * * noun (plural cables lengths) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cable & Wireless — Infobox Company company name = Cable Wireless PLC company company type = Public company slogan = foundation = circa 1860 location = Bracknell, England, UK key people = Richard Lapthorne (Chairman) Tony Rice and John Pluthero (Joint Managing… …   Wikipedia

  • Cable converter box — Pace Micro Technology DC757X HD cable box A cable converter box or television converter box is an electronic tuning device that transposes/converts any of the available channels from a cable television service to an analog RF signal on a single… …   Wikipedia

  • cable length — noun a nautical unit of depth • Syn: ↑cable, ↑cable s length • Hypernyms: ↑linear unit, ↑linear measure * * * noun : a maritime unit of length based on the length of a ship s cable and variously reckoned as equal to 100 fathoms, 1/10 of the n …   Useful english dictionary

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