uninsulated wire

uninsulated wire
не(за)изолированный [оголённый\] провод

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "uninsulated wire" в других словарях:

  • Single-wire transmission line — A single wire transmission line (or single wire method) is a method of supplying electrical power through a single wired electrical conductor. Single wire earth return (SWER) or single wire ground returns today supply single phase electrical… …   Wikipedia

  • live wire — {n. phr.} 1. An electrically charged wire, usually uninsulated. * /The electrician was severely burned by the live wire./ 2. An alert or energetic person. * /To sell the new merchandise, our company needs several salespeople who are live wires./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • live wire — {n. phr.} 1. An electrically charged wire, usually uninsulated. * /The electrician was severely burned by the live wire./ 2. An alert or energetic person. * /To sell the new merchandise, our company needs several salespeople who are live wires./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • live\ wire — n. phr. 1. An electrically charged wire, usually uninsulated. The electrician was severely burned by the live wire. 2. An alert or energetic person. To sell the new merchandise, our company needs several salespeople who are live wires …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Stripboard — (usually known by the trademark name Veroboard of the British Vero Electronics company, who invented it) is a widely used type of electronics prototyping board characterised by a 0.1 inch (2.54 mm) regular grid of holes, with wide strips running… …   Wikipedia

  • Overhead lines — This article is about the transmission of electrical power to road and rail vehicles. For transmission of bulk electrical power to general consumers, see Electric power transmission. For powerlines mounted on pylons, see overhead power line.… …   Wikipedia

  • Electromagnet — An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by the flow of electric current. The magnetic field disappears when the current is turned off. Electromagnets are widely used as components of other electrical devices,… …   Wikipedia

  • Timeline of electromagnetism — The timeline of electromagnetism, that is the timeline of the human understanding of electromagnetic forces, dates back over two thousand years ago. It lists, within the history of electromagnetism, the associated theories, technology, and events …   Wikipedia

  • Electrical telegraph — A printing electrical telegraph receiver, and a transmitter key at bottom right An electrical telegraph is a telegraph that uses electrical signals, usually conveyed via telecommunication lines or radio. The electromagnetic telegraph is a device… …   Wikipedia

  • контактная проволока (экрана) — неизолированная проволока, проложенная в контакте с электрическим экраном по изоляции или общим экраном [IEV number 461 03 07] EN drain wire continuity wire uninsulated wire laid in contact with a screen or a shield [IEV number 461 03 07] FR fil… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • неизолированный провод — Провод, состоящий из одной или нескольких скрученных проволок. [ГОСТ 15845 80] голый провод Электрический провод из одного или нескольких неизолированных проводников [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)] …   Справочник технического переводчика

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