- uniformly continuous
равномерно непрерывный
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
uniformly continuous — adjective That for every real ε > 0 there exists a real δ > 0 such that for all pairs of points x and y in X for which , it must be the case that (where D and D are the metrics of X and Y, respectively). See Also: uniform continuity … Wiktionary
Continuous function — Topics in Calculus Fundamental theorem Limits of functions Continuity Mean value theorem Differential calculus Derivative Change of variables Implicit differentiation Taylor s theorem Related rates … Wikipedia
Uniformly connected space — In topology and related areas of mathematics a uniformly connected space or Cantor connected space is a uniform space U such that every uniformly continuous functions from U to a discrete uniform space is constant.A uniform space U is called… … Wikipedia
Uniformly Cauchy sequence — In mathematics, a sequence of functions {f {n}} from a set S to a metric space M is said to be uniformly Cauchy if:* For all xin S and for all varepsilon > 0, there exists N>0 such that d(f {n}(x), f {m}(x)) < varepsilon whenever m, n > N.Another … Wikipedia
Continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space — In mathematical analysis, and especially functional analysis, a fundamental role is played by the space of continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space with values in the real or complex numbers. This space, denoted by C(X), is a vector… … Wikipedia
Cauchy-continuous function — In mathematics, a Cauchy continuous, or Cauchy regular, function is a special kind of continuous function between metric spaces (or more general spaces). Cauchy continuous functions have the useful property that they can always be (uniquely)… … Wikipedia
Uniform distribution (continuous) — Uniform Probability density function Using maximum convention Cumulative distribution function … Wikipedia
Modulus of continuity — In mathematical analysis, a modulus of continuity is a function used to measure quantitatively the uniform continuity of functions. So, a function admits ω as a modulus of continuity if and only if for all x and y in the domain of f. Since moduli … Wikipedia
Uniform continuity — In mathematical analysis, a function f ( x ) is called uniformly continuous if, roughly speaking, small changes in the input x effect small changes in the output f ( x ) ( continuity ), and furthermore the size of the changes in f ( x ) depends… … Wikipedia
Uniform convergence — In the mathematical field of analysis, uniform convergence is a type of convergence stronger than pointwise convergence. A sequence {fn} of functions converges uniformly to a limiting function f if the speed of convergence of fn(x) to f(x) does… … Wikipedia
C0-semigroup — In mathematics, a C0 semigroup, also known as a strongly continuous one parameter semigroup, is a generalization of the exponential function. Just as exponential functions provide solutions of scalar linear constant coefficient ordinary… … Wikipedia