- undetermined coefficient
неопределённый коэффициент
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Second class constraints — In a constrained Hamiltonian system, a dynamical quantity is second class if its Poisson bracket with at least one constraint is nonvanishing. A constraint that has a nonzero Poisson bracket with at least one other constraint, then, is a second… … Wikipedia
неопределённый коэффициент — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN undetermined coefficient … Справочник технического переводчика
Debye-Hückel equation — The Debye Hückel limiting law, named for its developers Peter Debye and Erich Hückel, provides one way to obtain activity coefficients Ref|Harris. Activities, rather than concentrations, are needed in many chemical calculations because solutions… … Wikipedia
Debye–Hückel equation — The Debye–Hückel equation and Debye–Hückel limiting law, were derived by Peter Debye and Erich Hückel, who developed a theory with which to calculate activity coefficients of electrolyte solutions.[1] Activities, rather than concentrations, are… … Wikipedia
Chemical equilibrium — In a chemical reaction, chemical equilibrium is the state in which the concentrations of the reactants and products have not yet changed with time. It occurs only in reversible reactions, and not in irreversible reactions. Usually, this state… … Wikipedia
Partial fraction — In algebra, the partial fraction decomposition or partial fraction expansion is a procedure used to reduce the degree of either the numerator or the denominator of a rational function (also known as a rational algebraic fraction). In symbols, one … Wikipedia
Dimensional analysis — In physics and all science, dimensional analysis is a tool to find or check relations among physical quantities by using their dimensions. The dimension of a physical quantity is the combination of the basic physical dimensions (usually mass,… … Wikipedia
History of special relativity — The History of special relativity consists of many theoretical and empirical results of physicists like Hendrik Lorentz and Henri Poincaré, which culminated in the theory of special relativity proposed by Albert Einstein, and subsequent work of… … Wikipedia
Lorentz ether theory — What is now called Lorentz Ether theory ( LET ) has its roots in Hendrik Lorentz s Theory of electrons , which was the final point in the development of the classical aether theories at the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century … Wikipedia
Heat exchanger — An interchangeable plate heat exchanger Tubular heat exchan … Wikipedia
Recurrence relation — Difference equation redirects here. It is not to be confused with differential equation. In mathematics, a recurrence relation is an equation that recursively defines a sequence, once one or more initial terms are given: each further term of the… … Wikipedia