underground reserves

underground reserves
запасы, извлекаемые подземным способом

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "underground reserves" в других словарях:

  • Underground coal gasification — (UCG) is an in situ gasification process carried out in non mined coal seams using injection and production wells drilled from the surface, which enables the coal to be converted into product gas. The process is flexible in operation and is… …   Wikipedia

  • Undifferentiated/unspecified reserves and production —   Reserves and production that are not separable by FERC production areas or by states. Undifferentiated and unspecified reserves consist only of company owned gas in underground storage.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration… …   Energy terms

  • Global strategic petroleum reserves — ( GSPR ) refer to crude oil inventories (or stockpiles) held by the government of a particular country, as well as private industry, for the purpose of providing economic and national security during an energy crisis. According to the United… …   Wikipedia

  • Cinema underground — Cinéma underground Le cinéma underground est un courant cinématographique américain d avant garde, né entre 1959 et 1962, influencé par le plasticien français lettriste Maurice Lemaître. Le mouvement s épanouit entre 1962 et 1969.[1] À la fin des …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cinéma Underground — Le cinéma underground est un courant cinématographique américain d avant garde, né entre 1959 et 1962, influencé par le plasticien français lettriste Maurice Lemaître. Le mouvement s épanouit entre 1962 et 1969.[1] À la fin des années 60, les… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Dedicated reserves —   The volume of recoverable, salable gas reserves committed to, controlled by, or possessed by the reporting pipeline company and used for acts and services for which both the seller and the company have received certificate authorization from… …   Energy terms

  • Owned reserves —   Any reserve of natural gas that the reporting company owns as a result of oil and gas leases, fee mineral ownership, royalty reservations, or lease or royalty reservations and assignments committed to services under certificate authorizations… …   Energy terms

  • Codelco — Type Government owned Industry Mining Founded (1955) Headquarters …   Wikipedia

  • Sahara — Saharan, Saharian, adj. /seuh har euh, hair euh, hahr euh/, n. 1. a desert in N Africa, extending from the Atlantic to the Nile valley. ab. 3,500,000 sq. mi. (9,065,000 sq. km). 2. any arid waste. * * * Largest desert in the world, encompassing… …   Universalium

  • Libya — /lib ee euh/, n. 1. Anc. Geog. the part of N Africa W of Egypt. 2. Italian, Libia. a republic in N Africa between Tunisia and Egypt: formerly a monarchy 1951 69. 5,648,359; 679,400 sq. mi. (1,759,646 sq. km). Cap.: Tripoli. * * * Libya… …   Universalium

  • Anaconda Copper — Mining Company (until 1915 known as the Amalgamated Copper Mining Company), one of the largest trusts of the early 20th century which owned all the mines on Butte Hill, Montana, USA. The Anaconda Company was purchased by Atlantic Richfield… …   Wikipedia

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