- ultraviolet spectrophotometer
ультрафиолетовый спектрофотометр
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy — or ultraviolet visible spectrophotometry (UV/ VIS) involves the spectroscopy of photons in the UV visible region. It uses light in the visible and adjacent near ultraviolet (UV) and near infrared (NIR) ranges. In this region of the… … Wikipedia
Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy — Beckman DU640 UV/Vis spectrophotometer. Ultraviolet visible spectroscopy or ultraviolet visible spectrophotometry (UV Vis or UV/Vis) refers to absorption spectroscopy or reflectance spectroscopy in the ultraviolet visible spectral region. This… … Wikipedia
spectrophotometer — An instrument for measuring the intensity of light of a definite wavelength transmitted by a substance or a solution, giving a quantitative measure of the amount of material in the solution absorbing the light; a colorimeter with a choice of … Medical dictionary
spectrophotometer — n. an instrument (a spectrometer) for measuring the intensity of the wavelengths of the components of light (visible or ultraviolet) … The new mediacal dictionary
UV spectrophotometer — ultravioletinis spektrofotometras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. ultra violet spectrophotometer; UV spectrophotometer vok. Ultraviolett Spektralphotometer, n; UV Spektralphotometer, n rus. ультрафиолетовый спектрофотометр, m; УФ… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
ultra-violet spectrophotometer — ultravioletinis spektrofotometras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. ultra violet spectrophotometer; UV spectrophotometer vok. Ultraviolett Spektralphotometer, n; UV Spektralphotometer, n rus. ультрафиолетовый спектрофотометр, m; УФ… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
spectrophotomètre pour l’ultraviolet — ultravioletinis spektrofotometras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. ultra violet spectrophotometer; UV spectrophotometer vok. Ultraviolett Spektralphotometer, n; UV Spektralphotometer, n rus. ультрафиолетовый спектрофотометр, m; УФ… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
spectrophotomètre ultraviolet — ultravioletinis spektrofotometras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. ultra violet spectrophotometer; UV spectrophotometer vok. Ultraviolett Spektralphotometer, n; UV Spektralphotometer, n rus. ультрафиолетовый спектрофотометр, m; УФ… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Erwin Chargaff — (Czernowitz, August 11, 1905 ndash; New York City, USA, June 20, 2002) was an Austrian Jewish biochemist who emigrated to the United States during the Nazi era. Through careful experimentation, Chargaff discovered two rules that helped lead to… … Wikipedia
Mars 96 — Model of the Mars 96 Orbiter Operator Russian Space Forces Mis … Wikipedia
Spectrophotometry — Spectrophotometer In chemistry, spectrophotometry is the quantitative measurement of the reflection or transmission properties of a material as a function of wavelength.[1] It is more specific than the general term electromagnetic spectroscopy in … Wikipedia