typewriter copy

typewriter copy
1) машинописный экземпляр
2) машинописная копия

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "typewriter copy" в других словарях:

  • Typewriter — Mechanical desktop typewriters, such as this Underwood Five, were long time standards of government agencies, newsrooms, and offices …   Wikipedia

  • typewriter — /tuyp ruy teuhr/, n. 1. a machine for writing mechanically in letters and characters like those produced by printers types. See illus. under keyboard. 2. Print. a type style that gives the appearance of typewritten copy. 3. Older Use. a typist.… …   Universalium

  • typewriter — /ˈtaɪpraɪtə / (say tuypruytuh) noun 1. a machine for writing mechanically in letters and characters, either operated by hand (manual typewriter) or powered by electricity (electric typewriter). 2. Printing a type style which gives the appearance… …  

  • typewriter — type•writ•er [[t]ˈtaɪpˌraɪ tər[/t]] n. 1) pri a machine for writing in characters similar to printers types by manually pressing the letters of a keyboard 2) pri a style of printers type that gives the appearance of typewritten copy 3) (formerly) …   From formal English to slang

  • IBM Selectric typewriter — The IBM Selectric typewriter (occasionally known as the IBM Golfball typewriter) is an influential electric typewriter design. It was introduced in 1961.Instead of a basket of pivoting typebars the Selectric had a pivoting type element… …   Wikipedia

  • TV Typewriter — The TV Typewriter was a video terminal that could display 2 pages of 16 lines of 32 upper case characters on a standard television. The Don Lancaster design appeared on the cover of Radio Electronics magazine in September 1973.cite journal | last …   Wikipedia

  • TV Typewriter — Оригинальный прототип TV Typewriter Дона Ланкастера TV Typewriter  радиолюбительский компьютерный терминал, позволявший отображать на экране телевизора …   Википедия

  • Blind carbon copy — For other uses see BCC. In the context of e mail, blind carbon copy (abbreviated BCC and sometimes referred to as Blind Courtesy Copy or Blank Carbon Copy) refers to the practice of sending a message to multiple recipients in such a way that what …   Wikipedia

  • Carbon copy — For other uses, see Carbon copy (disambiguation). A copy made with carbon paper Carbon copying, abbreviated cc or c.c., is the technique of using carbon paper to produce one or more copies simultaneously during the creation of paper documents.… …   Wikipedia

  • carbon copy — 1. noun a) A copy produced in an alternated stack of ordinary sheets of paper and carbon papers. The pression applied on the top sheet (by a pen or typewriter) causes every carbon paper to release its carbon cover, thus reproducing the writing on …   Wiktionary

  • ribbon copy — noun : a copy (as of a document) made by the typewriter ribbon : original compare carbon copy * * * the original copy of a number of typewritten copies (distinguished from carbon copy). [1965 70] …   Useful english dictionary

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