- two-phase separator
двухфазный сепаратор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Sublimation (phase transition) — Dark green crystals of nickelocene, freshly sublimed on a cold finger … Wikipedia
двухфазный сепаратор — Сепаратор для разделения скважинных флюидов на жидкость и газ. Жидкость нефть, эмульсия и вода опускаются на дно, а газ подымается вверх [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая… … Справочник технического переводчика
The Geysers — The Geysers, a geothermal power field located 72 miles (116 km) north of San Francisco, California, is the largest geothermal development in the world. It is currently outputting over 750 MW. The Geysers consists of 22 separate power plants that… … Wikipedia
Distillation — Distiller and Distillery redirect here. For other uses, see Distiller (disambiguation) and Distillery (disambiguation). For other uses, see Distillation (disambiguation). Laboratory display of distillation: 1: A heating device 2: Still pot 3:… … Wikipedia
Boiling water reactor — A boiling water reactor (BWR) is a type of nuclear reactor developed by the General Electric in the mid 1950s.Fact|date=April 2008 The BWR is characterized by two phase fluid flow (water and steam) in the upper part of the reactor core. See… … Wikipedia
Chromatography — Pictured is a sophisticated gas chromatography system. This instrument records concentrations of acrylonitrile in the air at various points throughout the chemical laboratory. Chromatography (from Greek χρῶμα chroma color and γράφειν graphein to… … Wikipedia
Azeotrope — Vapor liquid equilibrium of 2 propanol/water showing azeotropic behavior An azeotrope ( / … Wikipedia
Cyclonic separation — A simple cyclone separator Cyclonic separation is a method of removing particulates from an air, gas or liquid stream, without the use of filters, through vortex separation. Rotational effects and gravity are used to separate mixtures of solids… … Wikipedia
Crystallization — Crystallizing and Crystallized redirect here. For the action adventure video game, see Crystalis. For the 2009 song by The xx, see Crystalised. For other uses, see Crystallization (disambiguation). Crystallization … Wikipedia
Ostwald ripening — Basic schematic of the Ostwald ripening process Ostwald ripening is an observed phenomenon in solid solutions or liquid sols which describes the change of an inhomogeneous structure over time. In other words, over time, small crystals or sol… … Wikipedia
Filtration — This article is about operation of solid fluid separation. For the mathematical concept, see filtration (mathematics). For the equipment used, see Filter (disambiguation). For filtration used in winemaking, see Filtration (wine). Diagram of… … Wikipedia