
пакет, выдерживающий кипячение

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "boil-in-bag" в других словарях:

  • boil-in-bag — /boyl in bag /, adj. of or being a prepared, often frozen, food sealed and sold in a plastic bag that is immersed in boiling water until the contents are cooked or heated for serving. * * * …   Universalium

  • boil-in-bag — /boyl in bag /, adj. of or being a prepared, often frozen, food sealed and sold in a plastic bag that is immersed in boiling water until the contents are cooked or heated for serving …   Useful english dictionary

  • boil-in-the-bag — pre prepared meal, TV dinner …   English contemporary dictionary

  • New England clam boil — The New England clam boil is a traditional New England meal and a simple substitute for the New England clam bake. It is less famous than the clam bake, but is easier to prepare in modern kitchens. It is a one pot meal, made by boiling clams in a …   Wikipedia

  • Crab boil — Soldiers preparing a crab boil at Forward Operating Base Mahmudiyah, Iraq Crab boil usually refers to a spice mixture that is used to flavor the water in which crabs or other shellfish are boiled. But Crab boil can also refer to a social event in …   Wikipedia

  • Lucky bag — A Lucky Bag is the term for the United States Naval Academy year book dedicated to the graduating classes. A traditional Lucky Bag has a collection of photos taken around the academy and photographs of each graduating officer along with a single… …   Wikipedia

  • frozen prepared food — Introduction       any of the complete meals or portions of meals that are precooked, assembled into a package, and frozen for retail sale. They are popular among consumers because they provide a diverse menu and are convenient to prepare. A… …   Universalium

  • Bolsa de plástico — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bolsas de plástico La bolsa de plástico es un objeto cotidiano utilizado para transportar pequeñas cantidades de mercancías. Introducidas en los años 1970, las bolsas de plástico rápidamente se hicieron muy populares …   Wikipedia Español

  • Список эпизодов мультсериала Мир Квеста — Логотип мультипликационного сериала Мир Квеста Основная статья: Мир Квеста Эта статья Список эпизодов мультсериала Мир Квеста. В ней собраны названия и описания всех эпизодов мультсериала Мир Квеста. Сначала мультсериала насчитывается 13 эпизодов …   Википедия

  • Burning Love (Arrested Development episode) — Infobox Arrested Development episode episode name = Burning Love episode no = 2AJD09 airdate = January 30, 2005 writer = Chuck Martin and Lisa Parsons director = Paul Feig on the next = George Sr. shows up to bid on Lucille, but the sound of his… …   Wikipedia

  • Gudang dialect — Gudang Spoken in Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia Native speakers ?  (date missing) Language family Pama–Nyungan Paman …   Wikipedia

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